Nikki Zarrella

I hope to help others by sharing my experiences through writing.
Articles by
Nikki Zarrella
A Non-Comprehensive List Of Self-Care Rituals For The Full Moon
The full moon is the most energetic and powerful part of the lunar cycle.
7 Self-Care Rituals To Practice During The New Moon
Happy New Moon to you!
10 Things This Year Taught Me About People, Life, And Letting Go
People come with their own set of thoughts and opinions—attempting to find what makes all of those people with all of those different preferences happy is exhausting and often a recipe for disaster.
Read This If You Have A Parent Who Irrevocably Broke Your Heart
You may never forget, and you may feel unable to forgive, but you need to find a way to let it go.
12 Telltale Signs You Have A Narcissistic Parent
You landed that new job? You graduated from college? A narcissistic parent may be happy for you for a fleeting moment, but ultimately the conversation will return to being all about them. It always has to be about them.
Why Some People Can Never Be Happy For Anyone (And Why You Shouldn’t Take It Personally)
We learn so much during our mid to late twenties.
A Beginner’s Guide To Crystals For Every Part Of Your Life
You can’t just get crystals (aka stones) and expect them to work like magic.
If You’re Having Suicidal Thoughts, Please Read This
We just don’t know why we feel the way we do, and we may never know.
9 Chillingly True Family Stories That Confirmed My Belief In Ghosts
Over the years, I’ve heard so many stories from friends and family, true from their heart, in sincere moments when they were most afraid or confused about what is happening to them or in their homes.
11 Signs He’s Your Life Partner
You bring out the best in each other, and you motivate each other to stay healthy and stay on track.
The Creepy (And True) Origins Of Your Favorite Halloween Traditions
Trick-or-Treating has roots dating back to Irish and Scottish practices that occurred on multiple nights leading up to Samhain.
All The Lies Our Anxiety Tells Us
The worst will be so much worse than you can imagine.
6 Things That Happen When You And Your Soulmate Aren’t Meant To Be Together
You will settle into your new life, but your soul will always carry this person with you.
6 Reasons Why Continuously Telling Micro-Lies Is Completely Damaging Your Relationship
Nobody likes to be lied to. If the tables were turned, you would not like your partner going around lying to you, no matter how small the lies may be or seem.
7 Important Things You May Have Forgotten About Life And Owe It To Yourself To Remember
Once in awhile, you need to slow down, self-reflect, and think about all of the good you have in your life.
8 Reasons Why People Who Grew Up With An Addict Parent Will Never Feel ‘Normal’
Would it be chaos? Would it be silence? Would mom or dad be high or drunk? Would they even be home?
6 Things You’ll Only Understand If You’re Motherless On Mother’s Day
If you don’t let it consume you, it’ll only make you stronger.
6 Ways Your Life Indisputably Changes After Surviving Emotional Abuse
This cycle is vicious, and it is why most of us stick around in a mentally abusive relationship – and it’s because we hang on to those good moments for dear life.