Nico Lang

12 Lessons You Need To Learn Before Settling Down

I know we all want to skip to the ending — the parts where you host game nights together and do the Sunday crossword in bed — but don’t forget to just enjoy the ride, even if that means you aren’t “Facebook official” yet.

50 Things That Should Be Relationship Dealbreakers

They refuse to communicate what is wrong, any time that something is wrong, until whatever was wrong blows up five months later into something that is much worse than the argument that might have ensued had they just accepted your invitation to talk about it in the first place.

Kiss Like You Mean It

Kiss them like it’s going to be hung on someone’s wall someday, as a reminder of what love can be like.

You Should Date Someone Who Cares About You

Date someone who wants what you want, who is open to the idea of the relationship you desire with another human being. You need to be with people who are open to what you have to give to them and are willing to match it.