1. Rohit Nair
I was 24 and all set to get married to my college sweetheart; ready to be accepted into a family of like minded individuals and accept a new set of parents. At 24 I was quite clear and proud of the decision to get married, grow and experience different challenges of life with my would be wife. After being together for five years, she called off the marriage saying, she wasn’t interested anymore. And the girl is not to be blamed for this because it was never her fault, I made a lot of things tough for her when we were together. But one fine day, when it all comes crashing down, it takes time to head back to reality and lift yourself from denial.
For a person from a middle class background, things are always pretty streamlined. Become an engineer, find a job, find a better job, get married. Once you deviate from that path, one starts feeling that something terrible has happened.
I was under depression. My sister took me to a psychiatrist to help me deal with this failure. I broke down every single time the doctor expected an answer from me. Looking at my condition, he gave me anti-depressants. That was by far the best thing that had happened to me. Not that the consumption of those antidepressants helped me, I realized that I had come to a level that I had to consume tablets to control my emotions. It struck me really hard. I threw away those anti depressants instantly and I…
Tried to do something that I always wanted to…
I bought a cycle for myself. It helped me meet a lot of new people and helped me test my endurance and did contribute towards the betterment of my fitness.Later, I was diagnosed with Malaria, then Typhoid and then typhoid again. I was hospitalized twice in 3 months. I lost a lot of power and weight. I was on bed rest and again my mind started wandering to places I tried hard to make it not go. I realized I was facing self esteem issues and had to understand that self love was important and missing at the same time. I introspected by…
Looking back at the past…
I thought about those days I felt like a winner. I don’t have mind blowing accomplishments in life according to the standards maintained by the accomplished. But I knew, the winner did lie dormant inside me and I had to bring it out. I had failed but it was time I gained because there was nothing left to lose. I realized I was capable of having an undying passion towards something as thoughts of me playing in the torrid heat gave me some confidence. The simple thought of advising a friend just a couple of years younger to me made me think I can lead and guide people. These little things helped me gain confidence.And then I started Writing:
I started my own blog (The Daily Lafda). Since then there was no looking back. One of my posts had the attention of Gopi Kukde, the creator of the Onida Devil (his comment: “You made my day…I would love to read more”). 4 of my posts were shared by Shashi Tharoor (his comment being…”Hilariously Accurate”). I worked for a social organisation named MAD and raised Rs. 23,000 for the underprivileged through my blog. It’s is nearing 50,000 views now, it’s been just over a year but I’m happy with the accomplishment. Writing gave me a dream to strive for.I realized that it doesn’t take much to make others laugh, you just need to know how to laugh at yourself.
When it comes to cycling… I scaled 10,500 ft (on the Himalayan ranges).
One needs to realize that there is so much that life has to offer. Failures and rejections are bound to happen.
It’s like this saying “Shit happens, but it’s up to you to use it as a Nostril Burner or a Fertilizer.”