Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

Instead Of Wondering What Could Have Been, Have Hope

Let the past be the past, and watch ‘what could have been’ simply float away. Give life the chance to surprise you, teach you, heal you, as you willingly shed the heaviness that’s been holding you back for so long.

Love Is An Act Of Faith

Love is devotion, putting aside every other whim and desire of the world to say to the person you wish to spend forever with that you will, no matter the obstacle.

You Teach People How To Love You

You show them that to love you means to accept all of your parts—not thinking that you are perfect, but that you are worthy. Because you believe yourself to be

I Will Choose You

I will choose you, even in the doubt. Even in the moments we both hesitate, wondering whether this is love. I will accept that we are flawed and imperfect, and still I will love you anyway.