Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
I Hope You Learn To Laugh Again
I hope you laugh. Laugh until your belly hurts. Laugh until your heart feels free. Laugh until the pain of your today fades into the rearview mirror. Laugh until you forget.
This Is For The Girl With The Bleeding Heart
You have a big heart, a beautiful heart, a bleeding heart. One that keeps opening and widening and re-stitching itself after brokenness
If You Want To Get Your Year On Track Right Now, Do These 7 Simple Things
Bring a positive face to work every single day.
8 Things You Should Never Have To Compromise In A Relationship (Even If You’re Head Over Heels In Love)
Your life goals. Ultimately, when you love someone, you both should support one another’s goals, not pull the other person away from them.
The Ultimate Single Girl Bucket List: 61 Dates You Can Take Your Beautiful Self On This Year
Spend the afternoon at the library, drinking coffee, journaling, and getting lost in a good book.
This Is For The Girl With The Sensitive Soul
This is for the girl with the sensitive soul. The one who is regarded as soft, but in her vulnerability is actually so strong.
30 Surefire Signs You’re Settling In Your Relationship
You’re terrified of starting over.
Maybe I Still Have A Lot To Learn About Love
Maybe this little beating heart, four paws, tiny ears understands more than I give him credit for.
15 Little Prayers For The Moments You Want To Talk To God, But Aren’t Sure What To Say
Dear God, I’m not sure what to say. But I know I want to talk to you.
I Hope This New Year Brings You A New Beginning In Christ
I hope in this new year, you let Christ save you. You let His words heal your heart, cleanse your soul, and lift you from pain.
Maybe This Is Why She’s Scared To Love You
Maybe she’s scared to love you because love feels like letting go.
10 Ways Attending Church Can Heal And Strengthen You
It doesn’t matter where you are on your spiritual journey. Whether you’re just beginning to wonder who God is and what this ‘faith thing’ is all about, or whether you’re a seasoned believer, you’re invited to church with open arms.
I Hope You Love A Little More Boldly In This New Year
I hope you love with passion.
I Hope You Live A Little Louder From This Moment On
In this new year, I hope you are fearless.
I Hope When You Feel Empty, You Let Christ Fill You
I want you to know something: You are not alone. And you are not irreparably broken, no matter what you have experienced.
One Day It’ll All Make Sense
And maybe one day you’ll see how far you’ve come, and be proud.
Whatever You Are, Be A Beautiful One
You are what kind of person you choose to become, so become something wonderful.
I Want All The Little Things With You
I want whispered secrets under the covers late at night, sharing slivers of our soul.