Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

I Hope We Kiss More And Think Less

In this life, I hope we stop second guessing. When we see someone we have feelings for, we find the words—the imperfect, honest words—and let them spill out of our mouths. When we feel at home in someone’s arms, we share that with them, vulnerability so raw it hurts.

I Choose Life

Even if you feel little or lost, know this—the universe isn’t done with you yet. You are only beginning.

This Is For All The Girls Who Stand Their Ground

Who you are is someone to be proud of. The way you stand is something to admire. Your faith and strength, your ability to speak when others are against you—those are powerful traits of a powerful girl.

I Can’t Hate You For Leaving

I can’t hate you for leaving because life is too short to hold onto things and people that don’t fill our hearts with happiness and purpose.

Give Yourself Permission To Let Go

Let go of all the pain that has been brought into your life, all the events that have shattered you, that have weakened you, that have shaped and changed you. Let them go.

Love Is Blue

Love is the moments between wake and sleep, cool body temperatures that spark flames when eyes open. Love is cloudless sky, full of hope and possibility.

I’m Learning To Be Still

I’m learning that I cannot rush—my decisions, God’s plans, or the feelings written on someone else’s heart. I do not have control of this; I must trust, let go, and let life play out.

A Love Letter To My Sisters In Christ

My sisters in Christ, please do not lose faith. Do not lose your fight. We have so much work to do for one another, so many battles to face, so many dreams and beliefs to push for. We cannot give up. And we cannot believe He has given up on us.