What It Means To Love A Girl Who Loves God

Manik Rathee
Manik Rathee

”Oh no, she’s a Christian.” Sometimes I wonder if that’s what runs through a man’s mind when he falls for a woman of faith. It’s like this woman has been branded by a big cross symbol on her forehead, or suddenly changed from a normal person to a crazy Jesus whisperer, one who’s going to recite Bible verses over dinner and drinks or suddenly break into a worship song while walking through the park.

But a girl who loves God is not those things.

A girl who loves God is both fierce and tender, bold and quiet. She is a woman just like any other—a heart, two eyes, a body, a soul—but what shines through her spirit is her faith, her inability to see the world without her creator as a central part of it.

A girl who loves God is not perfect.

She is far from perfect. She has insecurities and doubts, she has fears and failures, she has moments of hesitation and moments of sin. She has moments where even though she trusts in her God, she still feels empty or angry or unsure.

Sometimes she is too loud, sometimes she is too soft. Sometimes she tries too hard, sometimes she tries too little. Sometimes she tries to please people instead of God and she feels lost. Sometimes she doesn’t say the right things or accidentally hurts the people she loves. Sometimes she gets frustrated and hurts them on purpose.

See, she’s not a saint just because she has faith in something greater than herself.

She is a normal person, but one who tries her very best to honor her Father in every action. She is a normal person, but one with a heart for God.

And even in her brokenness, she keeps on loving.

A girl who loves God loves life, even on the hardest days. She has grown in her faith, and has the kind of faith that believes things will turn around. The kind of faith that sees the positives in pain. This doesn’t mean she always has a smile on her face, or never doubts her Father’s wisdom. But it means that she leans on His love, on His grace when she feels like her life is spinning out of control.

And in Him she’ll find her footing again.

A girl who loves God values forgiveness, and is willing to forgive the ones she loves, and forgive herself when she falls short. She does not see vulnerability as a weakness, and instead sees her interactions with others as a reflection of her relationship with God, so she trusts and lets people in, a smile on her face and her heart open wide.

When you love a girl who loves God, you learn that there is strength in having faith. You learn that faith is not dependence or looking to this higher power to solve all your problems, but trusting that there is a plan and a purpose. Trusting that this figure loves you, and wants the best for your life.

When you love a girl who loves God, you realize all the ways your life has been empty before she entered. Not necessarily because of her, but because of the light she brings with her smile and the energy she gives off, simply with her presence.

You will see by her actions, by her laughter, by the way she speaks that she loves God. And you will be drawn to the way she loves, because how she loves God is how she loves others, and how she loves you.

A girl who loves God is not a better person, not a better girlfriend, not a woman that will always be perfect and blameless in her actions. She is not a woman that will always have the answers or never feel unsure on this journey of life, even though she tries.

But what is different about a woman of faith is that she will be open about her struggles, she will be open about her love, she will be open about the ways her life has changed, has been blessed, has been strengthened by her faith.

And she will be unafraid to keep this faith as a central piece of her heart.

You won’t have to compete with her God for her affection. Because she loves Him, she will love you. You will just have to be understanding where she is guarded, patient where she is persistent.

You must know that she values her heart and her body and will only share these things with someone that she feels will help her honor her faith.

Because God is important to her, she wants her relationships to honor Him. And she will challenge you to see the world differently, see human connection differently, see love and sex differently than you ever have.

When you love a girl who loves God, you will see how beautiful the world is, in ways that you’ve never seen.

You will see how sleeping with someone is not the same as loving them. You will see small miracles in daily life. You will see the value in a good, motivational Bible verse. You will see how beautiful a sunset can be, or how full your heart feels when you give to someone in need. You will see the power of believing in something bigger than you, even if you might not agree.

You will laugh, you will get drinks, you will kiss each other on a summer night, you will dance, you will stay up late and talk about dreams, you will be silly and wild and bright and bold. You will be all the things that you would with any woman, but this woman, she’s different.

She’s different because she loves more deeply, loves more fully, loves more honestly. She’s different because she is not incomplete, searching for a man to fill her. A girl who loves God is whole, is centered, is strengthened by her God.

A girl who loves God is ready for love, ready to let you in. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

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