Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

Articles by
Marisa Donnelly

How To Compliment A Girl

A quick lesson on how to compliment a girl without being creepy, and to show you understand she is a strong woman. Talk about her eyes. How they show determination.

There Is More To This Life—Go Get It

There is more to this life than believing what you have right now is all there is, that this is all you can get, that you’re stuck. There is more out there; go get it.

Just Like Plants, We Must Be Pruned Before We Grow

Maybe plants are just one giant metaphor for the way this world works. Sometimes we have to fall down to learn how to get back up again. Sometimes we have to lose what we’ve held dear in order to chase what’s of value. Sometimes we have to say goodbye because everything is impermanent, we ourselves are impermanent, and goodbyes are healthy sometimes.

Don’t Be Perfect—Be Authentic

Seeking perfection is a losing battle, but being authentic? That’s the pursuit of yourself, of real love, of a life that sings with joy and purpose.

Make Time For Meaningful Things

Meaningful – Is asking someone how they’re doing, and then waiting patiently for their actual response. Is putting down your phone when you’re having a conversation. Is taking a few minutes to just breathe before starting your day. Is complimenting someone without expecting anything in return.

When It’s Right, You’ll Know

The truth is, when it’s right, you will know. You will have this sense of everything around you—peace, understanding, joy, rest. You won’t be afraid.