Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
I Am Trusting The Road Ahead, Wherever It May Lead
Today, tomorrow, and the day after next, I’ve chosen to see the road ahead as a promise of hope. Of possibility. And I’m going to trust that path—wherever it may lead.
50 Itty-Bitty Reminders That Life Is Worth Living
Because tomorrow is a new day.
No Man Who Loves You Will Ever Dim Your Light
A man who loves you won’t darken your brilliance, but let your two souls—together—illuminate the sky.
Maybe I Don’t Want To Be Beautiful
Maybe, of all the characteristics and descriptions of the world, I want something that reflects my spirit, my heart, my tenacity and lust for life.
I’m Just Trying To Be A ‘Strong Woman,’ And Understand What That Really Means
I’m trying to be strong, to be seen as strong. But I don’t want there to be a barrier between my presence and my heart. I want to intimidate in the sense that I am respected and honored, but I don’t want to be unapproachable.
29 Short Messages Of Hope For Anyone In Recovery, Or Fighting An Addiction
“Resistance is the first step to change.” — Louise Hay
I Am Not The Girl You Take Home
I am not the girl you get to hold for a moment, then let go of. The girl whose worth is determined by the eagerness of your hands.
I Don’t Love You Yet, But I Know I Could
I don’t love you yet. But maybe that doesn’t matter. Because every time I look into your eyes, I know you’re right where I am—falling fearlessly, one kiss, one laugh, one moment at a time.
7 Poems For The Woman Who Has Forgotten Her Brilliance
You are a wild and beautiful thing.
You must always remember
the difference between being loved
and tamed.
The Bible Verse That Speaks To You, Based On Your Birth Month
October: “Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” — 1 Corinthians 16:13
I Am Not The One Who Can Fix You
I cannot heal you, I can only love you. And sometimes that is simply not enough
Don’t Fall In Love With My Body, Fall In Love With The Way I Think
I want you to fall in love with the emotional, the spiritual, the sensual realm that exists beyond my skin.
Promise To Never Let Anyone Steal Your Light
Promise to be so strong that you will outshine those who do not see your brilliance. Promise to be so free that no one can look at you and not see a beautiful, unbound life.
You Are Not One Color, You Are A Masterpiece
It’s okay to be imperfect. It’s okay to be messy. It’s okay to flit back and forth with ideas and perspectives. It’s okay to not just be black and white.
I Just Want To Slow It All Down
I just want to stretch the minutes so that I can exist, in this place, with no commitments or destinations, no expectations or places I must go.
Why Are We So Damn Afraid To Feel?
What if we normalized affection? Made people feel comfortable, rather than hesitant? Passionate rather than afraid?
Maybe Everything Happens For A Reason, Even Losing You
Maybe if I realize that losing you was not of God, and not meant to break me, but to build me, I can decide to let you go happily, knowing that where I go next will be where I need to be.