Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
Love Is A Verb
Love is not a one-time thought or feeling. It’s a continual action, continual choice, continual promise to another person. Love is a verb.
You Make Me Believe In Forever Again
I like the way I’m not scared of forever when I’m standing next to you.
9 Things That Are Holding You Back From A Deeper Relationship With God
Your focus on the impermanent.
I Love You (Almost)
I love what you say in our silence. When there are no words to be shared between kisses. When our eyes are closed and my arm is draped across your chest.
You May Be Sensitive, But You’re Sure As Hell Not Weak
You may be sensitive, but you’re a damn fighter. You’re strong. You have a backbone, a brain, and a heart that is forever absorbing the energy from the people around you.
God Will Bring Purpose From Pain
Pain is of this world, not of God.
A Series Of Thoughts I’m Too Timid To Share With You (Yet)
I’m scared of how you hold my hand with such gentleness, it feels like coming home.
Let Love Transform You, Not Define You
Let love transform you, not define you. Let love bloom within you, not build your sense of self. Let love teach you, not tell you how to live. Let love become a part of you, not your identity.
Do Not Be Perfect, Be Brave
Be brave. Shatter expectations. Say no, say yes. Scream your hopes to the sky. Shine with all your brilliance, even if you make mistakes along the way.
11 Signs To Look Out For If You’re Worried You Might Be Trapped In A Narcissistic Relationship
You’d rather keep your thoughts or feelings to yourself than risk hurting your partner’s feelings or starting an argument.
What’s Holding You Back From Finding Real Love, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Cancer: Your need for security.
I Am Like Fire, And I Will Burn
I bring passion
into places where there is none. I turn flickers
into flames.
27 Bible Verses To Uplift You And Bring You Hope, Even In Darkness
“I call on the LORD in my distress, and he answers me.” — Psalm 120:1
Stop Waiting To Have Everything Together Before You Take The First Step
It’s okay if you’re a mess, if you’re still ‘figuring it out,’ if your lost or trying to find your way—life isn’t about having it all together, but about moving forward—day by day, step by step.
I Don’t Care About Heartbreak, I Want To Fall Madly
What matters to me is that I live fearlessly, is that I love boldly, is that I look back and know I gave this life and the people in it everything I had.
5 Unconscious Habits That Are Ruining The Way You Talk To The People In Your Life
Your need to have the last word.
You Are Not Incomplete, You Are Evolving
We have to understand that we’re still discovering parts of ourselves, but that doesn’t mean we’re any less whole. We were never, are never incomplete. We are simply evolving.