Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

Love Is A Verb

Love is not a one-time thought or feeling. It’s a continual action, continual choice, continual promise to another person. Love is a verb.

I Love You (Almost)

I love what you say in our silence. When there are no words to be shared between kisses. When our eyes are closed and my arm is draped across your chest.

Let Love Transform You, Not Define You

Let love transform you, not define you. Let love bloom within you, not build your sense of self. Let love teach you, not tell you how to live. Let love become a part of you, not your identity.

Do Not Be Perfect, Be Brave

Be brave. Shatter expectations. Say no, say yes. Scream your hopes to the sky. Shine with all your brilliance, even if you make mistakes along the way.

You Are Not Incomplete, You Are Evolving

We have to understand that we’re still discovering parts of ourselves, but that doesn’t mean we’re any less whole. We were never, are never incomplete. We are simply evolving.