Marisa Donnelly

Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.

What It Means To Love A Girl Who Loves God

A girl who loves God is both fierce and tender, bold and quiet. She is a woman just like any other—a heart, two eyes, a body, a soul—but what shines through her spirit is her faith, her inability to see the world without her creator as a central part of it.

What It Means To Love A Girl Who’s Fiercely Independent

When you love a girl that’s fiercely independent, you learn that you can love her without changing her, but you still show her how wonderful it can be to be taken care of. And you learn that a woman’s strength does not, in any way lessen yours.

Maybe It’s Okay That You Still Think About Him

You’re not wrong for thinking of him. Not wrong for allowing the thought of him to cross your mind. You’re not wrong for laughing, for smiling, for letting a hint of happiness skip across your heart when you picture his face.

Whenever You Feel Incomplete, Know That You Are Loved By God

God loves you more than you could ever know. He wants the best for you. He wants you to find love, and He will bring you that man when the time is right. He won’t leave you. He won’t turn his back to you. He won’t cheat on you or break your heart or leave you for someone else. He will put you first, always.

You Set My Soul On Fire

I would always forget who I was in those ivy green eyes of yours; they reminded me of a forest, the kind with paths and twists and turns. The kind of forest I could get lost in, on purpose.

10 Positive Reminders For When You Feel Like A Stranger In Your Own Skin

We were all strangers once, trying to map out our paths, stumbling around with eyes that couldn’t see and bodies that were unsure. We will all feel like this again—weird, foreign, timid, alone. But these feelings lead to growth, to new beginnings, to a new sense of self. Hold on. You will reach the other side a better person than you were before.

Sweet Girl, You Are Stronger Than You Think

The world will tell you that being an emotional woman is weak, that giving your love away is weak, that letting others in is weak, that you are weak, just because you are a woman. But the world is wrong.

Sometimes You Just Have To Take A Deep Breath, And Slow Down

Sometimes you just have to slow down. You have to take a moment to breathe, to say, ‘I’m sorry, I can’t do that right now,’ or ‘I’ll do that later.’ You have to give yourself the permission to say no, or walk away when you’re in over your head.