Marisa Donnelly
Marisa is a writer, poet, & editor. She is the author of Somewhere On A Highway, a poetry collection on self-discovery, growth, love, loss and the challenges of becoming.
8 Things A Pisces Woman Simply Won’t Allow
Someone who disregards her as ‘too emotional.’
The Apology Language Your Partner Craves (Based On His Or Her Zodiac Sign)
Your Leo’s apology language centers on words of affirmation.
Get Excited EDM Fans: This Music Label Is Making A Major Change (And You’re Going To Love It)
What does this mean for the average electronic fan? Big things. Now, through Monstercat you can easily browse the channels, hear new music, find sounds you identify with, and explore—all within the same label.
I Can’t Thank God Enough For You
God answered my prayers with you. He brought me someone far greater than I could ever imagine, someone who challenges me, grows alongside me, and chooses me, every single day.
I Don’t Want To Be Your Other Half
I want to be wanted, not because I fill your emptiness, but because I make an already full heart even fuller.
13 Encouraging Things To Say To Someone Ending 2017 With A Heavy Heart
I value ____ in you.
If You’re Going To Love—Damn it, Love With Intention
If you’re going to love, love like you mean it.
11 Strengths You Gain When You Realize Self-Love Is A Process, Not A Fixed Point
The strength to love your mess, even when you feel unworthy.
On Romanticizing Brokenness, And Our Fear Of Feeling Good
Why is it that sometimes it feels easier to be broken than to heal?
‘I Am A Survivor,’ And Other Empowering Reminders For Those Healing From Narcissistic Abuse
No matter where you are, or how long you’ve been broken, you are strong. And you will get through this.
12 Non-Negotiables To Set For Your Relationships This Year
No longer will I let my worth be dependent upon my relationship status.
Trust In God, And Watch Him Move
Every single time I gave my heart to my Father, I’ve watched His love surround and build and grow and change every single thing around me in powerful, indescribable ways
9 Dating Mistakes You Made In 2017 (That You Should Probably Quit Doing Next Year)
Looking for love in unpromising places.
Your Pain Was Not ‘Meant To Be,’ Yet You Will Still Rise From It
Pain is not meant to end you. Bad days are not all there is. Weakness is not what defines you. And the broken pieces of you do not reflect who you are.
Distance Has No Power When It Comes To Us
We can be physically apart, we can long for one another’s touch, kiss, hand, but our love is deeper than skin.
I Want To Be Yours, But Also (And Always) Mine
I want to fall in love with you—deeply, fully, overwhelmingly. But I also want to stay true to myself.
11 Non-Negotiables To Set For Yourself This Year
No longer will I settle for being half-loved.