Lorenzo Jensen III
27 Hygiene Tips To Keep You Fresh And Clean-Smelling
Wash behind your ears. It prevents the “old person smell.”
23 People Share Their Funniest Bad Tattoo Stories
“She was shocked to see HUNDREDS of little flies tattooed on his ass.”
25 People Share Their Instant Turnoffs
“What really turns me off is bad breath. Had a boyfriend who was great in so many ways, but as it turned out he had halitosis and I had to call it off.”
17 People Share Online Dating Horror Stories
“She started punching herself in the face in the middle of the restaurant.”
48 Types Of People Who Are Relationship Red Flags
Found on AskReddit. 1. The Serious Victim. Serious victim complex. “I’m just sooo nice but everyone else is mean to me for no reason.
34 Girls Describe The Weirdest Thing About Guys (NSFW)
3. The way they incessantly touch their testicles.
35 Men On Whether They Enjoy When A Woman Makes The First Move
“Yes. It’s how I found my current wife.”
50 People Share Their Favorite “Your Mama” Jokes
“Your mom is so ugly, she went into a haunted house and left with a job application.”
13 Harrowing Tales Of Meth Abuse
“Spiders everywhere, regular objects turning into cameras, random objects getting wavy, bottled waters breathing, People in the windows, shadows moving. Horrible short nightmares…”
15 People Describe The Most Awkward Thing That Was Ever Said To Them During Sex
“Nice boobs. they won’t be a liability when you get older.”
7 Terrifying True Tales Of The Paranormal
“I can’t really process this in any other way than a real, true ghost story. I still get goose bumps.”
7 People’s Stories About Pedophiles They Knew
“My dad was a pretty violent pedophile, and also extremely charming, and was a certified genius.”
16 People’s Stories Of Being Neighbors With A Murderer
“From what I was told, he was a nice guy.”
21 Guys Share The Douchiest Pick-Up Lines Of All Time
“I may not be a weatherman but you’re gonna get more than a few inches tonight.”
29 Men Criticize Women’s Most Horrifying Fashion Mistakes
8. Shaved-and-Sharpied eyebrows.
48 Women Criticize Men’s Most Horrifying Fashion Mistakes
12. Sandals with socks.
25 People On The Sexiest “Nonsexual” Thing A Person Can Do
Smell amazing.
27 People Explain Why They Walked Out In The Middle Of A Date
1. He tried to force me to wear a red wig.