23 Unexpectedly Kinky Little Things That Women Find Erotic

23 Unexpectedly Kinky Little Things That Women Find Erotic
Flickr / Tiffany Terry
Found on AskReddit.

1. When my male dentist has his hands in my mouth.

“When my male dentist has his hands in my mouth so I can’t really close it.”


2. Thunderstorms.

“I’ve posted this before, but thunderstorms. Something about that heavy electric feeling in the air, the tension before the storm, the actual power of the thunderstorm is a huge turn-on. I have no idea how sex and thunderstorms got linked together in my mind, but it happened sometime during college.”


3. Having to pee.

“Having to pee. This isn’t a hard one to explain anatomically, but if I have to pee really badly and I am talking to a guy, I’ll feel the strongest urge to fuck him.

Once at a concert, I had to pee but didn’t want to leave in the middle of it so I held it in for 15 minutes. I closed my eyes and the need to pee plus the great music literally made me orgasm.”


4. The idea of getting fucked in my underwear.

“The idea of getting fucked in my underwear, like pulling my panties to the side and putting it in.”


5. When my husband takes care of me like a little helpless girl.

“When my husband takes care of me like a little helpless girl. Makes me a meal, tucks me in, etc.”


6. Electricians, welders, construction, you name it.

“Guys in the trades really do it for me. Electricians, welders, construction, you name it. The ones that have to wear those overalls and them work boots… so damn sexy. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s so manly or because they just know how to fix things and make stuff work. Don’t know how their gf/wives don’t jump them the minute they get home from work. I would…”


7. Men in uniforms.

“I really like men in uniforms, which isn’t necessarily super weird. It doesn’t have to be like a military uniform though, I work at a plastic factory and they were dark blue FR pants and light Blue FR shirts with safety glasses and a hard hat. It always gets to me…”


8. Hotels.

“Hotels reeaalllyyy turn me on. I’ve stayed in nice hotels, and shitty hotels, and I can’t stop thinking about sex in either one. I think it turns me on because other people have probably had sex in that spot before. And I like the super soft sheets.”


9. Men kissing or making out with other men.

“Men kissing or making out with other men. Even men just being bromancy where you know they’re hetero but unafraid of expressing affection for their best friend. I really, really, like that.”


10. Men in skirts.

“I really get off on men in skirts. Mostly kilts, but any skirt or dress will do. Something about the juxtaposition of them being so masculine but in a vulnerable feminine dress gets me off HARD.”


11. Having my feet touched/caressed.

“Having my feet touched/caressed. Not even in a sexual manner. There’s just something so sexy about the way my man rubs my feet, gets me all flustered. Sometimes we’ll just be sitting together and I’ll put my feet in his lap and he’ll tickle the tops of them or softly run his fingers along my soles. Ugh. Drives me crazy.”


12. Teeth and biting.

“Definitely just teeth and biting. A good sharp pair of teeth turns me on and both like biting hard and just mouth stuff makes me flustered. I mentioned it to the girl I like and she told me to put out my hand and then bit it hard enough to leave marks. I was more than red in the face.”


13. Guys being noisy during sex.

“Noises. So many guys are super quiet from years of jerking off in secret. It’s a shame because I ache from just sounds sometimes.”


14. Heavy breathing.

“Heavy breathing. especially trying to cover it up and pretend it’s not happening.”


15. Being in water with my husband.

“Being in water with my husband. Like pools, lakes, the ocean. Idk why, I just get horny af when we are in water together, even if he’s not nearby or paying attention to me! We joke about it a lot.”


16. Having the back of my neck held/massaged.

“Having the back of my neck held/massaged, seriously so good. He’s done it absentmindedly while in public before and I’ve had to stop him because I’m getting all squirmy.”


17. Tickling.

“Oh man. I recently realized that every time my boyfriend would tickle me, it would lead to sex. I mentioned something to him about it and he said he did it intentionally. So turns out I am turned on by tickling and have a weird Pavlovian thing about it.”


18. Guys trying to conceal their attraction toward me.

“Trying to conceal their attraction toward me. Knowing that they find me attractive and slightly intimidating. I guess that relates to vulnerability. I went to the senior prom with this seemingly dorky guy because I worked with his mom and he needed a date. During our first slow dance, I could feel that he had a boner. I didn’t say anything, just noticed it, but it turned me on so much even though I didn’t really find him attractive. Also, I always went for the shy and quiet ones in the group.”


19. The idea of being caught.

“I always get turned on right before our friends come to our house. I’m sure it has something to do with the idea of being caught.”


20. Shy, nerdy guys.

“I like shy, nerdy guys. I enjoy the challenge and go crazy when I see their sexual side.”


21. Play fighting.

“Play fighting.

Oh my god, I love it. It’s so hot when he pins me down or if there’s like a struggle over dominance.

It’s really hot when he drives. Especially, if he’s focused. Maybe I feel vulnerable when people drive me around? It turns me on so much.

If he can argue really well is a major turn on. I love it when my man can shut me up verbally. Not in a mean way, just being really clever and confident is so attractive.

Whispering in my ear gets me so bad too. I love the feeling of his breath on my ear. Especially if he’s saying something dirty.

Light touching is the best too. It makes me so jumpy and gives me chills. Fastest way to turn me on. Especially if he knows and subtlety turns me on in public.

Bilingual guys are the hottest things ever. It’s so hot when a guy can speak other languages or uses pet names from another language. Especially if they moan in another language, oh god. I once had an old boyfriend who called me Knca (kitten in Russian). I couldn’t resist him when he called me that.”


22. Playing with my hair.

“Play with my hair. Oh my goodness it’s wonderful.”


23. Having my knees kissed/licked.

“Having my knees kissed/licked. I remember the first time it happened, we weren’t even being sexual, but I was like : ‘…wait, do that again 😏’”

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Lorenzo Jensen III

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