50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

17. When he listened to me, apologized, and never did it again.

“I told him that something he’d done had upset me, and explained why.

He listened to me, he apologized.

And then he never did it again.”

18. The day he said, ‘I think we should adopt a nice senior dog from the shelter.’

“The day he said, ‘I think we should adopt a nice senior dog from the shelter. I like them more I think.’ swoon

19. When we took a road trip and we were totally comfortable sitting together in silence for hours and hours.

“I had dated him for a few months, then broke up with him for stupid reasons. He wanted to stay friends. I ended up sleeping over at his house over the summer a lot, FWB kind of thing, and when we went back to school in the fall, he asked if I wanted to go on a road trip several hundred miles to a friend’s wedding. I’d never done a road trip like that before so I said sure, and I realized we were both totally comfortable sitting together in complete silence for hours and hours, listening to music or watching the world go by. He gives me the confidence to try new things and go new places, where I always feel at home as long as he is with me. Been together 10 years this spring and married 3 this past August, expecting our first kid actually around the time of our 10 years together anniversary.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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