50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

45. When he helped my little brother get over his fear of escalators.

“I would have to say how he treats others. My little brother has a big fear of going down escalators. We were at a train station where there weren’t any regular stairs or an elevator. So we got on the escalator and my brother was getting visibly shaken up cause it was a long way down. My boyfriend took his phone out and started showing my brother pictures of transformers (his favorite toys) and he was showing him videos asking my brother which transformer character was his favorite. My brother was holding my hand but then he let go and pointed to the video telling my BF which one was his favorite. He was still scared but slightly distracted. I knew he was the one before that happened but seeing him comfort my brother made me love him even more.

My boyfriend is also going half with me for my brother’s violin lessons this month. I love him to pieces. I feel very lucky to have him here with me.”

46. When I fainted during sex and he took me to the hospital.

“It was our third date and we were doing the ‘thing’ (If you know what I mean). I fainted due the ‘thing.’ I woke up in a hospital. I saw him staring at me with tears coming down his cheek while holding something. He started calling the doctor loudly while I cover my face with pillow. That is the moment when I realized that he is a perfect guy for me.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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