50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

41. When he brought and cooked me SpaghettiOs when I had a cold.

“Shortly after I started dating my husband in college, I came down with a cold. In between classes, he came to my off-campus apartment to bring me SpaghettiOs. That alone was a sweet gesture, but when he cooked them on the stovetop like my Nana did growing up, I knew he was a keeper. We have been together for 7 years, married for 2.”

42. When he nursed me through a disgusting bout of food poisoning.

“We had friends over when my food poisoning hit. Instead of hanging out with them, he sat in the bathroom with me, holding the bucket, stroking my limbs and back while I simultaneously exploded out the butt and face. The smell was awful, I was in a full on flop sweat, whimpering pathetically and he never once complained, gagged, or otherwise showed any signs of being grossed out. Once the storm passed, he helped me to bed and cleaned up the entire mess. Again, never showing a sign of annoyance. He just stepped up and quietly, sweetly took care of me at my grossest. Total green flag. 8 years later and we are married with a 2-year-old!”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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