50 Women Share The Beautiful Moment They Realized They’d Found Their Forever Person

37. When he immediately showed affection to my two dogs.

“When he first came to my house and can in the front door, he said, ‘Oh, what beautiful, sweet dogs!’ and immediately dropped to his knees to pet my two spaniels who were cheerfully saying hello and all but jumping on him.

And then he said hello to me and my parents.

It was incredibly charming to see he liked something I obviously like and take of. It was also clearly sincere since he was so distracted he forgot to say hello. Liking animals is a green flag, people who do seem to be warmer and more understanding, in my experience. (Bonus: You build a lot of patience and discipline taking care of them…)”

38. When he kept coming over until we finally moved in together.

“He called me up the next day and told me he missed me and wanted me to come over again. And then he kept doing that every time I left, until we finally just moved in together. Everyone thought we were crazy moving in together after only a few dates, but we’ve been together for over 5 years now and there doesn’t seem to be any end in sight.”

About the author

Lorenzo Jensen III

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