You Deserve The Kind Of Love I Could Never Give You

Josh Shutler

You deserve the kind of love that I could never give you. The permanent kind. The kind that lasts. That stays.

I could only give you a slice of it. Just a slither of my heart. And you deserved the whole organ. You did.

You deserve the kind of love that isn’t fleeting. That doesn’t run. That doesn’t leave. That doesn’t go.

You deserve the kind of love that we all need. That we all want and deserve. The kind of love that’s infinite. That bruises and bends, but never permanently is gone. You deserve the kind of love that is more than a hookup, or a one night stand or a fling. You deserve something that remains. Something that is concrete.

You deserve the kind of love that is clear. Not a blurry mosaic full of unanswered questions and comments. Not a shade of dark blue clouds that rain down on lonely hearts.

No, you deserve the kind of love that is bold and bright. And you deserve love that’s real. That’s true.

That is right.

The kind that makes you smile, instead of weep. The kind that makes you laugh instead of sulk. The kind of love that makes you know your true worth. That makes you think to yourself, ‘maybe I deserve this after all’.

And you do. You do. Just like anyone else in this world.

You don’t need mediocre. You don’t need difficult. You don’t need a relationship that is full of lies, of hardships and of deception. You are worth more than that. You’re worth more than a casual fling. You are worth more than an almost relationship.

You deserve someone that you can dream with. Someone you can stare at and not ever get tired of the view. Someone you can grow old with. Someone you can have children with and have forever with. You do not deserve temporary. Temporary list. Temporary love. That isn’t you.

You deserve truthful and blinding love.

The real kind of love that isn’t a mouthful of questions. That isn’t full of commas. I’m so sorry I couldn’t give that to you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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