Strong Women Are The Ones Who Leave

Strong Women Are The Ones Who Leave

Strong women are the ones who leave. The ones who never stay stagnant in their mediocre lives. The ones who never stay too comfortable. The ones who push themselves to do more. And to be more.

To be more than who they thought they were going to be at the age of fifteen. To be more than who their parents thought they would grow up to be. To be more than what society says they would be.

Strong women are the ones who don’t take no for an answer. The ones who reach for the stars and the sky and all of the planets, until they grab what they are looking for. They are the ones who never had a reason to say no, because they believed in that dream so feverishly.

Strong women are the ones who don’t settle. They don’t settle for the friends who don’t make them smile, or the boys that don’t make them laugh. They don’t settle for a goddamn thing.

Strong women are the ones who run. Who run from normalcy and society standards. Who run from picture perfect, glossy filters. Who run from anything that makes them ordinary.

Because they aren’t ordinary.

Strong women are the type of women to never stop. They never stop going. They never stop looking. They never stop fighting. They never stop believing.

They never stop looking for a more beautiful life. Looking for more adventure and sunsets. Fighting for their worth to be heard and seen. Fighting for their life to be deemed as important.

Strong women are the ones who leave behind the past for the brighter days of their future. They are the ones who find the strength within themselves to let go. And who find the strength within themselves to leave their former selves behind them.

Strong women are the ones who leave. They leave the boys who tell them that they will never be enough. They leave the men who spit lies at them, only wanting them for lonely nights. They leave the people who have betrayed them and who have done nothing but bring them down. They leave the town that is haunted in ghosts with their blank and daunting stares. They leave the people behind who refused to see their light.

Strong women are the ones who believe. They will always believe. Believe that better days are coming. Believe that they are enough. And believe that they are worthy of a life that isn’t worth leaving. 

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!