When You Miss Her, Remember This


When you miss her, remember how she kissed you
and know that you’ll never get to feel those lips again.

When you miss her, remember how she looked at you
and know that you’ll never get to see those brown eyes again.

When you miss her, remember how she giggled
and know that you won’t ever get to hear that symphony again.

When you miss her, remember how she fought for you
and know you’ll never win the prize of her beating heart again.

When you miss her, remember how she cried for you
and know that she won’t look at you in the same way ever again.

When you miss her, remember how you left her
and know that you will never get her back again.

When you miss her, remember how you walked away
and know that you will never get to see her light again.

When you miss her, remember to give yourself a slap on the face
because that’s what she would’ve wanted you to do.

When you miss her, remember all the words you never said
and know that you’re the reason it’s over. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Lauren Jarvis-Gibson

For more poetry and writing follow me on Instagram!

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