Lacey Ramburger

I am low-key obsessed with astrology more than is probably healthy

Date Someone Who Scares You

And though it would be easy to find someone who is safe and comfortable, it would be easy to date someone who doesn’t scare you, a part of you knows, in the back of your mind, it would eat away at you.

Date A Guy Who’s Afraid To Lose You

We all go a little crazy when it comes to love and like and everything in between; love is a complicated emotion that we can’t always glide our way through with smirks and one liners.

I Want You, But I Don’t Need You

I’ve finally started to recognize the value of people who stay, and recognize that I deserve more than just a pop in every now and then.

This Is The Brutal Truth About Being The Girl Who Loves More

When you’re the girl who loves more, you make promises for the both of you. You promise you’ll stick around through the hard times. You promise yourself that if you just try a little harder, they will recognize the wonderful things in you.