Kristin Addis

Articles by
Kristin Addis
10 Inspiring Books About Travel Written By Women That Will Soothe Your Aching Wanderlust
West with the Night by Beryl Markham. Beryl is pretty much the epitome of a badass female traveler.
And Now All That’s Left To Do Is Let Our Love Go
I struggle against the urge to pick up my phone and send you a message, where I tell you that we were wrong, we can make it work, but we are meant for each other and it was just a hiccup up along the way.
This Is What Would Happen If I Told You Exactly How I Feel
This is the kind of letter I’ll write but hesitate to send. It’s exactly how I feel about you, but I can’t be that open, right? It’ll kill the chase. It won’t be fun anymore.
You’re The One Person Who I Can’t Let Go Of
When you do move on, I beg that the universe does not let me know.
21 Quotes About Solo Travel That Will Make You Less Afraid Of It
“Rather than acting out of fear and holding onto a life that didn’t feel right, I acted out of love for myself and curiosity for the world and took a chance. I hope that any woman who finds herself in that position does the same.”
We’re Just Damaged Goods Looking For Love
I know what you’re thinking. You don’t want to show your cards. If you’re vulnerable, then there’s room for you to get hurt. It’s easier to just keep things the way they are, at an arm’s distance.
The 50 Safest Countries For All World Travelers To Visit Next
Do you want to travel, but you’re afraid of putting yourself in harm’s way if you do? Traveling the world, especially solo, is super rewarding but it can also be pretty intimidating.
13 Questions All Solo Female Travelers Are So Tired Of Answering
We’re exploring the world in greater numbers year by year, challenging the status quo and proving, not only to others but also to ourselves, just how strong and independent we can be.
In Defense Of Single Women Who Travel
When I was in high school my psychology teacher asked us to illustrate a small picture book of what we predicted would happen throughout the course of our lives.
30 Healthy Promises To Make To Yourself Before Turning 30
I promise to surround myself with people who elevate me because supportive relationships are healthy ones.
8 Reasons People Who Travel Make The Best Employees
The place to find the perfect out-of-the-box thinkers, problem solvers, and movers and shakers is the arrivals hall at an international airport.
22 Ways Traveling Alone Changes You For The Better
If there’s nobody around to hold us back, we can say yes to all of the things we really want to do.
The Five People You Meet When Traveling Alone
Traveling alone seems scary at first, and that’s because of one big thing in particular: The prospect of loneliness.
An Open Letter To The One Who Got Away
If I saw you again I would hug you, just to thank you for walking away.
6 Ways A Woman’s Life Is Changed Forever When She Travels Alone
Traveling on her own will cause a woman to reevaluate her life and give her space to think, feel, and grow. It will turn into a crippling addiction of saving up for her next flight and constantly seeking adventures.
6 Steps You Can Take To Become Fearless
Cultivating fearlessness is a chief component for happy, successful people. Those who don’t fear limits, invest in themselves, and believe they can do what they set their minds to are the ones who chase, and often catch, their dreams.