The Difference Boys We Date And The Men We Should

God & Man

The boy you date will duck out when you mess up.

It’s like they are almost looking for reasons to end it so they use anything they can.

The man you should date will forgive you for it.

That first fight you realize didn’t end everything. And when you apologize you simply move on and that’s it.

The boy you date will blame you and not let it go.

He’ll bring it up in the next fight or hold it over your head so you feel bad about it.

The man you should date will help you to learn from it.

Even if he’s mad at you when he cools off it’s through his forgiveness you learn.

The boy you date takes off when you reveal too much.

It’s scary that moment when you tell someone who you really are. But it’s even tougher when someone doesn’t accept it.

The man you should date learns about the worst parts of you and stays.

A real man is the one who loves the parts of you, you don’t seem to. The one who teaches you to accept your flaws because your flaws make you who you are.

The boy you date will judge you based on what you look like.

Yeah, it’s about attraction but they are already thinking about their next move and how to get you back home.

The man you should date will judge you based on who you are.

The right guy will form this emotional connection before something physical even happens. While attraction needs to be there, you ask him the most attractive thing about you and he’ll reply who you are.

The boy you date loses his cool.

He’ll be the first to yell and scream and not keep control of his emotions.

The man you should date takes a step back and tries to understand.

The right guy will try and understand where you came from.

The boy you date doesn’t know what he wants.

When you ask him his five-year plan he doesn’t have an answer.

The man you should date knows exactly what he wants and how to get there.

When you ask him his five-year plan he asks how much time you have to talk about it.

The boy you date talks too much.

It’s all about him.

The man you should date listens more than he speaks.

Not only does he listen but he remembers what you say.

The boy you date is good at making excuses when he doesn’t follow through.

You almost get used to him canceling.

The man you should date keeps his word.

You get used to relying on someone that it almost scares you.

The boy you date doesn’t want to bring you home.

And the reason is he doesn’t see a real future with you.

The man you should date wants to meet your dad.

He wants your parents to know you’re in good hands and you’re taken care of.

The boy you date messes with your head.

It’s the social media games and the texting and not answering. It’s straight up confusing you just to keep you on edge.

The man you should date is confident both in himself and you.

The right guy wants you to know you’re it.

The boy you date will tell you chivalry is dead.

All he’s really saying is I don’t like you enough to do those things.

The man you should date will prove to you it isn’t.

He opens every door. He pulls out every chair. He takes your jacket. He brings you flowers. He pays when the bill comes.

The boy you date will keep a password on his phone.

He doesn’t want you to know he might be hitting other girls up.

The man you should date you won’t even care who he’s talking to.

When someone is right and gives you their best you don’t question if they have motives.

The boy you date keeps things ambiguous.

He won’t call you his girlfriend even though you hang out every weekend. He won’t plan things ahead because he fears commitment.

The man you should date wants you to know he sees you in his future.

This guy will ask you if you’re free in a few months and start planning something special.

The boy you date will ask what you do.

He wants to know your title sounds good but he doesn’t really care.

The man you should date will ask what your goals are and how can he help you achieve them?

This guy not only is invested in you but invested in the things you’re interested in and he wants to be a part of it.

The boy you date won’t let you fall in love with him.

He’ll always keep you at arm’s length.

The man you should date will won’t be afraid to say I love you first.

The right guy will say three words but through his actions, you already know how he feels. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.

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