40 Questions To Ask Yourself To Figure Out If They Might Be The One

1. Do they make you happy more times then they make you mad?

2. Are there parts of them you’d want to hide from your friends and family?

3. Do you have the same values?

4. If your kids were a little like them would you happy about that?

5. Are you trying to change them?

6. Do they meet you halfway?

7. Have they always been honest with you?

8. Do they make you a better version of yourself?

9. What moment did you realize they might be the one?

10. Have they changed your life for the better?

11. Do they respect you and your goals?

12. Do they believe in you?

13. Do they support you in everything you do?

14. Would you trust them with your life?

15. Are they reliable?

16. Do your parents like them?

17. Do your friends like them?

18. Do they have toxic habits that could impact your future?

19. Have you talked about the future?

20. What religion if any would you raise your kids?

21. If your ex-came back right now would you still choose them?

22. If you went on a long trip together right now would you still be together at the end of it?

23. Have they seen you at your worst?

24. Have they told you everything about their past?

25. Do they know you better than they know themselves?

26. Have they told you their biggest regret or mistake?

27. Are they willing to compromise for you?

28. Have you taken the time to learn all of their favorite things?

29. What’s something in your future you’d look forward to most?

30. Do their future goals align with yours and can it make it work?

31. What is the biggest obstacle you’ve overcome so far?

32. What are the things you don’t like about them and can you live with it?

33. What do you like most about them?

34. What’s something they do you look up to?

35. If you could be more like them in one way what would it be?

36. If something happened to them tomorrow what would you regret not having said?

37. If they had to move somewhere tomorrow would you go with them?

38. Could you go a day without talking to them?

39. Do you truly believe they are the best person you’ve ever met?

40. Can you even imagine your life without them?

* Did you even have to go through these questions really to know?

About the author

Kirsten Corley

Writer living in Hoboken, NJ with my 2 dogs.