Kim Quindlen
I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.
18 People On The Best Purchase They Made To Cheer Themselves Up After A Breakup
Money can’t buy happiness, and spending a lot of it isn’t going to heal your broken heart. But sometimes, a careful, well-thought-out purchase can help ease the pain of a breakup – at least a little bit.
19 Rules Of Adulthood That Will Make Your Life A Lot Easier (And A Lot Happier)
Failing is part of life and it’s going to happen to you many, many times – but failing doesn’t make you a failure. The only way that you become a failure is if you stop trying.
22 Tiny Things You Should Do For Yourself Every Single Day
Remind yourself that your body is not something for you or others to judge – it’s a vessel that allows you to explore the world, communicate with others, try new things, and experience new feelings.
A Pep Talk For When You’re Afraid You’ve Succumbed To A Life Of Mediocrity
Regardless of what mediocrity means to you, the common denominator is about being comfortable. Too comfortable to try, too comfortable to take a risk, too comfortable to disrupt what you’ve convinced yourself is ‘a good thing.’
The Difference Between A Friend And A Soulmate
Your twenties bring the death of a lot of friendships. But they’re also responsible for the birth of friendships that are much deeper, fulfilling, and heartening than you’ve ever experienced in your life.
50 One-Sentence Resolutions That You Can Absolutely Maintain For A Life-Changing Year
Focus on finding happiness through what you already have, rather than what you believe you still need.
27 Lessons About Living Your Fullest Life, From Shonda Rhimes In Her New Book ‘Year Of Yes’
On Thanksgiving morning of 2013, Shonda Rhimes’s older sister Delorse muttered six words to her: “You never say yes to anything.” And so began a life-changing year (that has continued to this day) focused on putting yourself out there, doing…
19 Reasons Your College Bestie Is Basically The Only One Who Understands You
She loved you through your “When I lived in Europe” phase.
For Anyone Who Already Feels Paralyzed In The New Year
I have a love/hate relationship with the beginning of each new year.
Why You Can’t Get Over The Asshole
We hate The Asshole, and yet, somewhere deep in our subconscious, we are thankful for him or her, because they become the point around which our whole life revolves.
16 Things Only Women With Zero Maternal Instinct Understand
If someone asks you if you’d like to hold their child, you just say “I’m okay, thanks,” as if they were offering you a beer.
25 Important Relationship Milestones You Can Have Besides Getting Engaged
The moment when you first become comfortable in silence together. When you no longer feel pressured to have a conversation, because you’re so happy and relaxed around one another that you don’t always feel the need to be talking.
14 Stages Of Getting Drunk With Your Friends In Your Mid-Twenties
It always starts with overestimating yourself.
25 Christmas-Themed E-Cards That Hilariously Sum Up The Holiday Season
“Whether you’re offending by me saying Happy Holidays or Merry Christmas, take comfort in knowing I don’t really mean either.”
21 Signs You’ve Reached The ‘Old Person’ Milestone Of Your Twenties
Your favorite shot to take is Pepto-Bismol.
What A Woman Really Wants From You
She wants you to remind her that violent or controlling men are the exception, not the rule.
50 Simple Truths About Dating In Your Twenties To Remember When You’re Feeling Discouraged
Soulmates aren’t a thing that happen instantly and magically. Soulmates become soulmates after years and years of commitment, hard work, selflessness, and difficult choices.
15 Improv ‘Rules’ That Anybody Can Follow To Live A More Fulfilling Life
Fear often manifests itself when there’s something we know we want to do, but we’re hesitant to go after it because we might fail, get rejected, or be disappointed.