Kim Quindlen

I’m a staff writer for Thought Catalog. I like comedy and improv. I live in Chicago. My Uber rating is just okay.

Here’s Why People Are Intimidated By You, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Sagittarius: Your straightforwardness at once impresses and terrifies people. They know you’re the person to go to when they need honest and candid advice, but they also know that you don’t sugarcoat anything and aren’t afraid to be truthful, which can be scary to one’s self esteem.

17 Ways To Fall In Love With Your Life In 2017

Find joy in the little things. Holiday music, lazy Saturday mornings, laughing so hard that you cry, hot coffee, leaving work early, light traffic, fresh laundry, smiling with a stranger, a beer on the house. These are the little moments that make up a life.

Here’s The Easiest Way Your Partner Can Make You Feel Loved, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Capricorn: Your best match is the person who challenges you to take the leap, who refuses to back down and let you ‘protect’ yourself by assuming that your relationship can only end in heartbreak. You feel most loved being around someone who loves you for you, but who isn’t afraid to tell you to ‘stop being an idiot’ or to ‘tell your brain to shut up’ when you start convincing yourself that this can’t possibly work.

This Is What Triggers Your Insecurity, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

Leo: You tend to derive a lot (or sometimes, all) of your self-worth from your achievements and successes.

How to help yourself: Continue working hard and striving to be the best and don’t feel bad about it. But also remind yourself on a constant basis that you are human, you aren’t perfect, and it’s more important that you are trying than it is that you are always succeeding.