16 Girls Reveal The Devastatingly Honest Reason Why They And Their Boyfriend Broke Up

Aaron Anderson
Aaron Anderson

“He treated me like one of the boys. I never felt like I was special to him — just like I was a friend he got to have sex with. So I left him for someone who actually treated me like a girlfriend and not a football buddy with a vagina.” — Emily, 24


“He always seemed intimidated by me. Rather than being excited when I was excelling in school or at my job, he’d get weird and introspective and push me away. I couldn’t deal with the insecurities and they honestly drove us in different directions that didn’t include each other.” — Nichole, 26


“He was bad in bed. And not willing to get better. #bye.” — Rosie, 25


“I wish I had a concrete reason why we fell out of love but I don’t. Slowly but surely we went from being each other’s EVERYTHING, each other’s co-star, to just a walk on role at best. That wasn’t enough for me, and I know it wasn’t enough for him either.” — Courtney, 27


“I waited for over six years for him to be ready to really commit to me, to us, and there was always something holding him back and scaring him into his own little world. I know my worth, I know my value, and I couldn’t wait anymore. I miss him every day but I don’t regret it.” —Cristina, 30


“I realized that he was wildly immature and not at all in the same space as me in mentality or in life. I ended it for him and for me because I knew if we stayed together that we’d eventually end up hating each other over stupid, petty annoyances.”  Anna, 25


“He never wanted to do anything. He just wanted to stay at home and watch Netflix, fuck, and sit around. It was cool at first, chill even. But eventually it felt like we were an episode of some TLC special of agoraphobics. It wasn’t sexy, and I want to feel sexy.” — Jill, 24


“He asked me to do anal and I said no. And then he asked again, and I said no. And again, still said no. And then, in very Sex and the City fashion he told if he wasn’t going to get it from me, he’d get it somewhere else. So told him to get that and EVERYTHING else somewhere else. He’s a piece of shit. And I hope he got some on his dick.” — Kallie, 23


“He never really seemed like he wanted to move forward. He was very content staying in the same place, doing the same thing, being the same person. So I grew and…he didn’t. Eventually, as I outgrew my old life, I outgrew him too.” — Bethany, 27


“He had a lot of problems (substance abuse, parent stuff, issues with authority etc) that he had absolutely no interest in dealing with. I tried to help him but I got to a place where I saw our future, and saw that it was going to get even worse than it already was. At the end of it I couldn’t justify putting myself and my future at risk in order to try and be there for someone who didn’t even want to be there for himself.”  Rachel, 26


“He was super jealous about the dumbest stuff. He wanted to know where I was, who I was with, when I’d be home, what I was doing…and not because I ever gave him any reason to think I would be doing something he would be upset about. It was just him projecting insecurity onto me. So I broke it off and he immediately jumped in bed with another girl. I was 100% right about him being insecure, and I know I’m better than that.” — Della, 22


“Our relationship started because he cheated on his then-girlfriend with me. And to be honest, I could never shake that. I never felt good about it and always was waiting for the other shoe to drop and for him to do the same thing he did WITH me, TO me. Paranoia isn’t healthy, and it killed the relationship.” — Kate, 23


“I never got along with his friends. I didn’t want to force him to choose between us, and tried my best to never make it clear that I felt the way that I did. But eventually he got tired of having to silently pick sides and started to resent me. It drove enough of a wedge between us that we had to go our separate ways.” — Leah, 26


“He was ADDICTED to porn. Like Don Jon style. It was constant. And it was degrading and gross. No thanks.” — April, 24


“I think he really wanted the whole, “All American Family” thing. And I am just not that girl. I don’t want kids, I don’t want a white picket fence, I don’t want to take Disney vacations…I don’t want any of it. We were very different people when it came down to really, seriously talking about what we wanted for the future. And once it was out there…well you can’t really take it back. It became the elephant in the room that neither of us could avoid. And finally, we stopped avoiding it and just broke up instead.” — Charlie, 28


“He called me by his ex’s name while I was going down on him. I should’ve bit it off.” —Alex, 26 Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Kendra Syrdal


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