Kayla Phillip

Graduate student, Writer and Lifestyle Blogger.
Articles by
Kayla Phillip
You Deserve Better
I know you think that if you hold out a little longer, he’ll change his mind. But he won’t. And that’s okay because he’s not the one for you.
Stop Waiting To Love Yourself
Stop waiting.
Here’s Why You Should Block Your Exes
It’s okay to block someone if it will help you to move on. It doesn’t matter what your ex is doing because that’s no longer your concern.
Stop Seeking Closure, Seek This Instead
Personally I don’t think that you need to ask the other person for closure. The answer you’re looking for is right in front of you.
Why Dating In Today’s World Is So Difficult
So what exactly seems to be the problem??
It’s Time To Let Him Go
The longer you prolong this process is the deeper you’ll be in it making it difficult to get out of.
Stay Single Until You Feel Whole All On Your Own
Being single does not have to be a bad thing. It doesn’t make you undesirable nor do you need it to be whole. As beautiful as relationships may be, they don’t have to be a priority.
Don’t Fall In Love With Potential
The endless possibilities have you so excited that you are living in a fantasy world. And the problem with fantasy is that it keeps you from being grounded in reality.
The 4 Biggest Signs That He’s Just Not That Into You
Mixed signals are a big indication that he’s just telling you what you want to hear rather how he really feels.