Jessica Coleman

Articles by
Jessica Coleman
9 Life Lessons From Losing My Mom To Cancer 9 Years Ago
1. It will forever be a part of who you are.
Top 10 Dating Faux Pas Debunked
The past few months have presented me with ample dating horror stories, which had me thinking a lot about where these guys get the idea that certain things are acceptable first date behavior.
An Open Letter To My Loving Parents, Who Guided Me To Where I Am Today
At this point in my life, I’m considered an adult. Yes, maybe sometimes I don’t completely act like it, but that’s part of life, right? As I’m growing up, I realize just how much you did for me.
10 Signs He’s Not Good Enough For You
If you’re both in a pre-planned location, at any stage in the relationship, you should acknowledge each other’s presence.
Life Thoughts From A Pre-30-Something Female
I think that people should never be judged solely on their online presence.
6 Truths: A Reflection On Dating A Bartender
Let’s face it: bartenders are HOT.
26 Things I’ve Learned In My 26 Years Of Life
A true, from-the-gut, ab-workout-style laugh is the best medicine.