Jenna Lowthert

I have the ability to find beauty in weird places..
Articles by
Jenna Lowthert
If Someone Wants To Leave, You’ve Got To Let Them Go
If someone wants to leave your life, you’ve got to let them go. You shouldn’t have to convince them to stay, nor should you want to.
16 Quotes To Encourage Cancer Patients
“Cancer is not a death sentence, but rather it is a life sentence; it pushes one to live.”- Marcia Smith
Why We Push The Ones Who Love Us Away
People come into your life at the worst times, for the best reasons.
19 Differences Between A Man And A Boy
A boy speaks, a man acts.
12 Men Describe What Their “Dream Girl” Is Like
“A smart with a college education, very nice and loving. Puts my needs before hers and will do anything to make me happy.”
15 Women Share The Biggest Turnoffs In A Guy
1. Cheap guys.
21 Women On What Makes A Man Sexy
The fact that almost none of the answers had anything to do with physical appearance was very refreshing.
8 Life Lessons I’ve Learned After Losing My Mother
Through the heartbreak, change, and devastation I have learned some key points that will help me along with several others on the healing journey.
16 Women Reveal What Turns Them Off About A Man
Cheap Guys.
22 Men On The Quality They Find Attractive In A Woman
A woman who makes me better..
10 Simple Ways To Achieve True Happiness
These 10 little steps can change the way you look at life, love, and relationships.