January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
What Each Zodiac Sign Will Learn In June 2019
You will learn to replace your self-pity with self-care.
The Secret Each Zodiac Keeps From Their Forever Person
That they resent you for missing out on more of the single life.
Why Each Zodiac Sign Is Better Off Single Right Now
You are still dealing with baggage your last relationship brought you.
30 Things Your Friends Struggling With Mental Health Want You To Know
I know I overreact. I know I’m too sensitive. I know I make things difficult. I know all of these things make you uncomfortable and inconvenience you but maybe just take a second to think about how much they impact me.
You’re Making Life Harder On Yourself By Not Having These 50 Apps On Your Phone
Tunity. You can basically scan any TV (restaurants, bars) and hear the audio through your phone if the TV volume is too low or far away for example. It’s pretty wild!
55 Harsh Truths You Have To Accept, No Matter How Awful They Seem
Sometimes there’s no right choice, sometimes the outcome will be bad no matter what you choose to do, but you still have to choose.
What The Worst Thing About Dating You Is, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
You spend too much time feeling sorry for yourself.
The 60 Most HILARIOUS Things Patients Have Said While Under Anesthesia
I had the mask on her face and I said “nice big breaths” as I pushed propofol. Right before she went out she said, “Thanks, I just had them done.”
Your Biggest Modern Dating Complaint, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
There are too many options, which makes everyone feel replaceable.
44 Tips That Socially Awkward 20-Somethings Should Use To Make More Friends
Don’t explain the plots of books, movies or dreams in anything longer than three sentences.
Why You Don’t Want To Get On Each Zodiac’s Bad Side
ARIES: They aren’t afraid to call you on your bullshit in public.
50 Tall People Problems You’ll Only Understand If You’re Over 6 Foot
Not being able to comfortably kiss someone who is shorter than me.
How Each Zodiac Sign Will Reject You When They Just Aren’t Feeling Any Sparks
TAURUS: They’ll accidentally send mixed signals because they don’t want to hurt you.
Why I Stopped Watching ‘The Walking Dead’ Even Though I Loved It In The Beginning
It sucks when your favorite show comes to an end — but it’s even worse when you stop watching your favorite show because it has overstayed its welcome.
50 Inspirational Reminders You Need To Soothe Your Soft Heart
Don’t act when you’re angry. Don’t make decisions when you’re sad. Don’t make promises when you’re happy.
50 Boys On The Dumbest Thing They’ve Ever Done For A Pretty Girl
Grew my hair long because she asked me to. She stopped going out with me. I kept growing it, and wasn’t successful with women until I got it cut.
What You Can Tell About Someone’s Personality Based On Their Favorite Pokemon
Ditto – You let your friends pick the movies, the restaurants, the road trip music. You never give your own opinion. You do what everyone else wants.
How To Do Weed Magic
And every time you breathe out
consider that the future you will live
could be better than the future you are currently hoping for.