January Nelson
January Nelson is a writer, editor, and dreamer. She writes about astrology, games, love, relationships, and entertainment. January graduated with an English and Literature degree from Columbia University.
The Milestone Each Zodiac Sign Should Stop Worrying About Reaching
SAGITTARIUS; Stop worrying about when you’ll graduate. Everyone moves at their own pace.
After What Happened Yesterday, I’m Never Letting Trick-Or-Treaters Knock On My Door Again
A pair of siblings came to the door. One sister was dressed like me, a miniature Dorothy. The other was dressed in rags with blood smeared across her face and bloodshot contacts in her eyes.
How Each Zodiac Gets Fooled By Their Emotions
TAURUS: You assume everyone has good intentions and let them take advantage of you.
30 Hilarious Things You Should Never Say When You Call Out Of Work
“I went hiking yesterday, and now my legs are sore.”
If You Want To Be A Better Person, Read These 50 Inspirational Sayings Every Single Day
Don’t take criticism from someone you wouldn’t take advice from.
33 Unromantic ‘How Couples First Met’ Stories That Weirdly Worked Out
“My folks met when they ran for cover in the same spot during a drive-by shooting.”
How He Makes You Feel Bad About Yourself Even Though You’re Beautiful (Based On Your Zodiac Sign)
ARIES: You feel bad about yourself when he ignores your texts for hours on end.
What Each Zodiac Considers A Flaw — That Is Actually A Strength
ARIES: Your stubbornness. It means you don’t give up easily. It means you’re persistent. It means, when you want something, you keep trying until you get it.
7 Common Mistakes That Are Keeping You Single
You fall for assholes. You realize they’re assholes. And you continue chasing after those assholes.
30 Ways To Lose All Your Friends Without Even Trying
Start dating a controlling/ manipulative person. The kind that will lie to you about your friends to drive a wedge between you.
What Happened To You Was Not Your Fault, But How You Go Forward Is Your Responsibility
Healing is our responsibility because we have this one life, this single shot to do something important.
How She’s Lying On Social Media, Based On Her Zodiac Sign
This is why you shouldn’t compare yourself to the strangers you see on social media.
7 Things I Forget To Do When My Mental Health Declines
On my worst days, I forget to care about anything, especially myself.
When You’re In A Bad Mood, Here Are A Few Ways To Cheer Yourself Up
Disney music always does it for me.
What Your Girlfriend Wishes You Would Do For Her, According To Your Zodiac Sign
GEMINI: She wishes you would kiss and cuddle her without expecting it to lead to sex.
What Your Forever Person Wants You To Know, Based On His Zodiac Sign
GEMINI: Even though he loves hanging out with the guys, he considers you his best friend.
33 Terrifying Hallucination Stories From People Suffering From Sleep Deprivation
After 4 days with no sleep, I stood in front of the mirror in my bathroom and tried to pull all of my hair out because a voice told me it would make me fall asleep. I tugged as hard as I could on handfuls of hair and it didn’t work. Sleep is important.
The Worst Thing About Being Friends With Each Zodiac Sign
ARIES: You only text first when you want to vent about something.