11 Ways To Let Him Know You’re Horny (Without Actually Having To Say It)

Send him a sexy picture in the middle of the day.


If you’re in the mood, all you have to do is say it. You should be comfortable enough with your person to discuss sex freely. However, if you’ve been in a relationship for a while and want to tell your person you’re in the mood in a more subtle way, here are a few ideas:

1. Send him a sexy picture in the middle of the day. You don’t have to be naked in the photo. You can send him a picture of your legs, your cleavage, your butt in your new jeans — whatever makes you feel sexy. If you’re in the same room, he should run right over. And if he’s on the other side of town, you should expect a text back soon.

2. Wear your favorite lingerie. Show up at his place wearing something sexy underneath your coat. Or, if you already live together, get dressed up before he comes home so you can greet him at the door. Either way, he’s going to excited about his surprise.

3. Let him find you in your underwear. Call him into the bedroom — or text him, asking him to meet you in the bedroom. When he walks inside, make sure you’re wearing your most revealing underwear while you’re spread across the bed. He’ll know exactly what you’re thinking.

4. Buy some new toys. Instead of telling him about how you’re interested in trying something new in the bedroom, leave your toys spread out in the bed or on the counter where he’s going to see them. Then watch his reaction. See if he’s as excited about taking them for a test run as you are.

5. Sit on his lap. You don’t have to do much to get your point across. If you sit on his lap and start grinding on him, then he’s going to know exactly what’s on your mind.

6. Kiss him passionately. You probably kiss him a bit different when you’re in the mood to have long, intense sex than when you’re about to leave for work. You might not think he’d get the hint so easily, but he will. All it takes is a kiss.

7. Start touching yourself. If you’re feeling a little brave, you can let him watch you touch yourself. Pretty soon, he’ll want to touch you, too.

8. Put on some porn. As long as he’s not the jealous type and you’ve done something like this before, put on porn while he’s in the room with you. When he notices what you’re watching, he’s going to want to join you.

9. Write it on the calendar. Scheduling sex doesn’t sound all that fun — but that changes when he randomly sees ‘fuck me’ scribbled on the calendar. It will let him know the right place and the right time to show up.

10. Physically print out a sexy picture. The only thing that is going to surprise him more than getting a scandalous picture sent to his phone in the middle of the day is finding one inside his lunch bag or pinned to his fridge.

11. Just start touching him. You already know what gets your person going. If you touch him through his jeans, it shouldn’t be long until those jeans come off. Thought Catalog Logo Mark