Girls Who Refuse To Settle In Love Always End Up The Happiest

Girls who refuse to settle in love spend more time single, but that is okay, because they would rather focus on themselves than give their attention to someone who treats them like they are lesser.


Unsplash / Jonathan Daniels

Girls who refuse to settle in love are brave. Brave enough to wait years for what they deserve. Brave enough to turn away a good guy who just doesn’t fit them the right way. Brave enough to stay single until they find the kind of love that they are destined to receive.

Girls who refuse to settle in love spend more time single, but that is okay, because they would rather focus on themselves than give their attention to someone who treats them like they are lesser. They would rather stay single than enter a relationship that is never going to lead anywhere.

Girls who refuse to settle in love spend less time questioning their worth, because they only associate with people who raise them up, not people who knock them down, not people who make them feel inferior. They surround themselves with positivity, with love, instead of with toxicity.

Girls who refuse to settle in love are accused of being clingy, maybe even accused of being bitchy, because they already have an idea of what they want. They aren’t going to waste their time (or your time) flirting with you when they know that you can’t give them what their soul is longing for. They aren’t going to enter a casual relationship that has no chance of turning into a serious one.

Girls who refuse to settle in love run when they spot a red flag. It doesn’t matter how much they like the other person. They aren’t going to look past a major deal breaker, no matter how tempted they are to let it slide. They are going to stick to their guns. They are going to follow their gut instead of their heart.

Girls who refuse to settle in love understand the dangers of entering a toxic relationship. They won’t date someone just to date someone, just to look like they have their life together from the outside, just to feel like they aren’t going to die alone. They aren’t interested in counterfeit happiness. They are on a lifelong search for authentic happiness.

Girls who refuse to settle in love aren’t afraid of breakups. If a relationship isn’t working out, they aren’t going to keep holding on until they stumble and fall. They have no problem accepting that their time has come to an end. They understand that the breakup is actually a good thing, because it leaves the door open for the right person.

Girls who refuse to settle in love absolutely hate seeing others suffer. Every time a friend complains about the boy who keeps hurting her, they feel sick to their stomach. They wish that other girls raised their standards high. They wish that everyone held out for the kind of love that they are looking to find, because no one deserves to be taken advantage of.

Girls who refuse to settle in love set an example for everyone around them. They are living, breathing proof that you don’t need to latch onto the first person who makes your heart beat fast in order to be happy.

Girls who refuse to settle in love always end up the happiest, because they only date people who treat them with respect. People who they can trust not to cheat or screw them over. People who are serious about entering a committed relationship with no end in sight.

Girls who refuse to settle in love have the best chance of finding their forever person, because they won’t wed anyone other than their soulmateThought Catalog Logo Mark