50 Generic Dog Names And What They Say About Your Furry Friend

1. Buster: He’s too big to sit on your lap, but he does it anyway.
2. Bear: Huge and huggable. Gets dog hair everywhere.
3. Princess: Spoiled rotten. Honestly believes she’s royalty.
4. Lucky: Despite the name, he’s always knocking over furniture and tearing apart the house.
5. Oliver: Steals food from off of the kitchen counter, but is too cute for you to yell at.
6. Max: Never actually uses his dog bed. He prefers the couch.
7. Toby: Scrubs his butt along the floor right after you finish cleaning it. Every time.
8. Bubba: A little too fat. He wobbles when he walks.
9. Peanut: Looks small and cute, but has bitten you more times than you can count.
10. Duke: Runs after squirrels, rabbits, and neighborhood cats. His favorite spot is on your front porch.
11. Jasper: The friendliest dog you’ll ever meet. He loves every human that steps into the house.
12. Brownie: Brown. And adorably doofy.
13. Oreo: Always begging for a treat. And he’s so cute that he usually gets it.
14. Luke: Loves riding in cars. Hates being cooped up in the house.
15. Daisy: Doesn’t mind getting bathed or dressed up with bows.
16. Baxter: Loves the outdoors. Can play frisbee all day, everyday.
17. Rocco: Always tries to steal your socks and bury them in the yard.
18. Lady: Masculine. Usually mistaken for a male dog.
19. Elvis: Never stops barking. The neighbors have voiced their complaints.
20. Maggie: Gets worn out easily. Always panting.
21. Missy: Never actually comes when you call her name.
22. Winnie: Loves to lick your face. And your neck. And your hands.
23. Rusty: Even if he’s still young, he acts like an old man. All he does is drool and sleep.
24. Scout: Follows you everywhere. Whines when you go to the bathroom without him.
25. Shadow: Always excited. Pulls you down the street when you’re holding his leash.
26. Lassie: Beautiful. Whenever you go on walks, this dog gets compliments.
27. Scooter: Super clumsy. Always tripping and running into walls.
28. Rex: Looks tough, but is a total softie. Thinks he’s a lapdog.
29. Moose: Farts all the time.
30. Champ: Despite the name, he’s as lazy as they come. Sleeping is his favorite activity.
31. Penny: Stubborn. If she’s in a bad mood, she will not listen.
32. Sandy: Loves the water. Runs through the sprinklers and drinks from puddles.
33. Simba: Nothing at all like a lion. Would never harm a fly.
34. Charlie: Thinks he’s a human. Sleeps in bed with you.
35. Hunter: Will eat anything. Even bugs.
36. Cookie: Surprisingly good at sniffing out food.
37. Tank: Super fit. Has bigger muscles than you do.
38. Comet: Barks at other dogs on TV.
39. Rufus: Always dirty. Hates baths.
40. Coco: Only eats a super specific brand of dog food. Otherwise, she’ll starve herself.
41. Fido: Terrified of thunder and fireworks and the vacuum.
42. Ginger: Either snuggling you or growling at you. There is no in between.
43. Bandit: Loves humping legs.
44. Zoey: Constantly sneezing.
45. Ruby: Falls asleep in the weirdest positions.
46. Spike: Really hyper. Won’t sit still for long enough to get his picture taken.
47. Chloe: Prefers to sleep on a pillow while covered in blankets.
48. Pepper: Is used to eating human food instead of dog food.
49. Lexi: Loves other animals. Hates being alone.
50. Gizmo: Has a million toys, but would rather play with a stick.