Hazel Iris Yao Escalante

Have a glimpse of my world through my thoughts.
Articles by
Hazel Iris Yao Escalante
I’m Not Giving Up On You
I want nothing but you by my side.
10 Things I’ve Been Telling God About You
If beginnings are meant to end, I pray to you God, that if this isn’t the right time for us. Someday, somehow you will lead my way back to him.
Subtle Ways To Play The Smartest Of Mind Games On Your Guy
Perhaps this is it. This is how you jumpstart your way out of his twisted games.
Give Your Love To A Soul Like This
Wait for someone who shares the same values as you, someone who’s equally as grateful as you are and who has a heart that is selfless and kind.
10 Tiny Things To Remember If You Want To Find Lasting Love
Know each other’s love language. Affection is reciprocal and the way you communicate it is vital.
You And I Will Always Be An ‘Almost’
I’m not used to needing people, but then you came.