27 Reasons To Tell Your Best Friend How Much You Love Her, Right Now

1. Because she puts up with your shit.

2. Because she loves you unconditionally, even when you feel you don’t deserve it.

3. Because she is the only one who will be brutally honest with you, and whom you’ll still love even when the truth hurts.

4. Because sitting in silence with her is not at all awkward, and you love that.

5. Because she goes on Friday and Saturday night dinner dates with you.

6. Because you never run out of things to talk about.

7. Because she calls you to gossip on her way over to your house, which annoys you but also makes you laugh.

8. Because she encourages you every day to be your best self.

9. Because she supports your dreams and truly wants you to achieve them.

10. Because, even when you know she doesn’t want to hear it, you can tell her every single detail of a date, and she’ll act endlessly interested.

11. Because she calls your mom when she’s worried about you.

12. Because you can (and do) tell her everything.

13. Because when you guys go a day without talking, it feels like you’re missing a limb.

14. Because you know she truly has your best interests at heart. No jealousy. No pettiness. Purely wonderful intentions from her, always.

15. Because she knows that one inside joke that will always make you laugh, even when you’re in your worst mood.

16. Because as much as she inspires you to make healthy choices, she also will go to town on a bowl of queso with you and show no regrets.

17. Because she doesn’t judge you when you choose not to shave your legs for a week.

18. Because she’s seen your ugliest ugly cry and still stuck around.

19. Because she’s the one girl you actually want to let borrow your clothes, which pretty much says everything.

20. Because she actually asks how you are, with emphasis on the “are.”

21. Because you’ve often wondered how much easier life would be if you and her could just fall in love and be together forever. But, instead, you keep crying over guys.

22. Because when you guys fight, it’s the worst. But you make up just as quickly, which is the best.

23. Because she’s farted in front of you once and it was the funniest thing either of you have ever heard.

24. Because as much as she never liked him anyway, she understands how sad you are and shows you sympathy.

25. Because she’s the best worst influence in times when being bad is necessary.

26. Because she always down to get ice cream.

27. Because you cannot understand how you got so lucky to have met her and you cannot imagine life without her.  Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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About the author

Emma Golden

Dallas-based writer for Thought Catalog. Curly hair, bright lips, big mouth.
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