Emma Golden

Dallas-based writer for Thought Catalog. Curly hair, bright lips, big mouth.
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Articles by
Emma Golden
This Cover Of “I’m Gonna Be (500 Miles)” Is Disgustingly Perfect
And I would walk 500 miles…
5 Irritating Things You Deal With When You’re A Girl With A Guy’s Sense Of Humor
When you’re a girl who has a foul mouth and mind that’s usually found in or around gutters, making close friends can be trying…
19 Embarrassingly Lazy Things We All Do (But Aren’t Going To Stop Doing Anytime Soon)
We all know better but, at the end of the day, none of us GAF.
15 Things To Be Prepared For Before You Date A Girl With Curly Hair
Yes, we know our hair is fun and different and wild, but it can also be a pain. Before you decide to court a curly-haired lady, know what to expect with these tips.
27 Reasons To Tell Your Best Friend How Much You Love Her, Right Now
Because you’ve often wondered how much easier life would be if you and her could just fall in love and be together forever. But, instead, you keep crying over guys.
9 Depressingly Real Reasons Why 27 Is Your Crisis Year
“Being 27 is parallel to being a newly post-pubescent teenager; so many feels, so many conflicting emotions, so much self-inflicted pressure. At some point, it’s just easier to pray you make it to 30 in one piece and resolve to figure it out from there…”
27 Indecisive Thoughts Every Reluctant Homebody Will Have This Weekend
I’m gonna go out. No, I’m not. I should, though. Ugh, but I don’t want to.
Guys: 15 Things That Will Never Ever Help You Get Laid
If you’re guilty of any of these, you can pretty much rest assured it’s why she never granted access.
19 Guys And Girls On Their One Non-Negotiable Relationship Dealbreaker
Some are no-brainers, others will surprise you.
13.5 Dead Giveaways That You’re Dating Your Parents
You’re not single. You’re just dating your parents exclusively right now.
18 Shameless Behaviors Every Oversharer Is Guilty Of Doing At Least Once A Day
Every meal, every outfit, every emotion – nothing is off-limits when it comes to being an oversharer.
10 Drinks Guys Order And The Secret Judgments Girls Are Making About Them
We judge your shoes. We judge your hair. We judge your job. But did you know we also judge your drink order when we’re out at a bar or restaurant?
A Really Cute Group Of Boys Act Like Girls And It’s Hilariously Sad And True
Girls are insane. We know it. They know it. Everyone knows it. The majority of us need a lot of reassurance, can be extremely emotional, and are obsessed with comparing what we’ve eaten today.
20 Totally Absurd Thoughts Every Single Girl Has Had At Least Once
Just when you think you’ve reached the bottom of her craziness, there’s a crazy underground garage…
6 Power Moves Girls Need To Pull If They Want A Real Relationship
When did “dating” become “hanging out”? The concept has more or less ruined the last remaining crumbs of true courtship for us singletons. But pull these moves next time someone tries to “hang,” and you’ll come out on top.
10 Constant Frustrations Of Being A Girl With An In-Between Body
For most of my life and definitely the majority of my young adulthood, I’ve struggled with being an in-betweener; You know – not super thin, but not “plus size” either. Not exactly “skinny,” but definitely not outright “chubby”…
When You’re The Only Single Friend Left
Some days, you’ll be super positive about it. Other days, you can’t imagine how the hell anyone actually gets (and stays) together.
Listen: Sam Smith Makes Love To Your Ears By Covering “Fast Car”
Sam Smith. Sam Smith’s voice. Sam Smith’s voice covering Tracy Chapman. You’re welcome.