25 True Scary Stories That Will Freak You Out Today

Creepy Catalog readers have the best scary stories. You can read the entire thread on Facebook here.


A 4 year old mysteriously placed in my program who told me about his past life when I was giving him a swimming lesson. Details described of a home that used to be where a parking lot stood in a neighborhood I’d been babysitting in my whole life. Come to find out, the exact home, with the exact crime and the exact suicide he relayed happened right in that spot. Kid disappeared from my program a few days later, when I followed up bc of concern, my boss said “what four year old?” My staff knew him well, and one staff witnessed the whole discussion. I have goosebumps now just recalling it.


I lived alone with my young kids, my kids were asleep for the night, I was in my bed watching tv with my cat sleeping on my bed. My room is near the stairs. I heard what sounded like a man in work boots come running down my stairs…pause.. There was a loud knock on my bedroom door and it opened all the way. My cat was sleeping and looked up at the doorway, freaked out and went tearing out of my room. I ran out to check on my kids and they were still sleeping and I slept with my lights and tv on for the next several days.


Being lost in a cornfield with my two brothers and two cousins. Well all were shoved/touched and we were no where near each other. My one brother found his way out of the field and said he was chased by a wild animal that disappeared in a cloud of smoke. We told our grandpa about the incident and all he did was tell us to stay out of the corn field.


A friend asked me to come over one night because she was experiencing a lot of activity. I went over and as soon as I walked in I felt like something punched me in the chest and I got a splitting headache. We sat in her kitchen and tried to debunk everything and heard whispering, felt fingers on us. We asked for proof of the spirit if there was one and her new rice maker flew off of the counter, and the box and instructions flew off to the other side of the counter. I was going to sleep over but no longer wanted to sleep on the sofa by myself, so we both slept in her bed. When we woke up in the morning, it looked like someone had taken a sewing needle to my chest. It was covered in thin scratches that were lightly bleeding.


Not a ghost story but still horrifying.i was living at a rehab facility and we got new patients daily. None od them ever bothered me till we got this one guy.when he walked past me my blood ran cold.i couldnt explain it but everything in my body was saying somethings not right.so i told all the woman they should probably avoid him if possible.3 days later they found him outside the window of one of the female residents.decked out in all army gear with multiple knives.


My grandmother looked out her front door one night and in the moonlight, she saw a baby’s casket on a stump in her front yard. She got scared and slammed the door and didn’t look out again. The next day, she received a call that a relatives’ new born had passed away the previous night.


In the house I used to live in, I experienced a lot but the scariest by far was one night I fell asleep in the living room. I had just woken up to go use the restroom. I was sitting up, checking the time on my phone when something told me to look up. I did and I seen a man sitting on the couch in the other room. I seen his side profile. He was an old man with a longish beard, a straw hat and he was smoking a pipe. I could see the smoke so clearly. His head turned towards me and then he disappeared.


I was a cna working at a nursing home and took the night shift. The lights were flickering and I had a sick feeling something was wrong. The call lights kept going off and all of them were false alarms except this one lady clapping her hands chanting “power to Satan!” Over and over.


My mom has tons when she lived in Mexico. But in the US in the 80s she was babysitting my 3 year old cousin. As she was asleep she woke up to see a small leprechaun/gnome dancing on top of her and making noises with its mouth. She thought it was my cousin and ran after it but found my cousin sleeping with different clothes on. She’s convinced it was a gnome.


I was having a rash of minor supernatural incidents, but the weirdest was when I was listening to an audiobook and Siri suddenly said, “I’m sorry. I can’t find Haley in your contacts”

An unseen presence had asked Siri “Is Haley around?”


Walked outside to give my dogs their potty break and I hear my husband’s voice to “Go inside”

He’s not home, he works nights…. Yup we went right back inside lol.


My Grandmas old house was in our family for generations and had a lot of activity. You would catch shadow people peeking around corners at you out of the corner of your eye. One experience I remember clear as day was when I was young, there was a strange woman sitting in the rocking chair in her den quietly rocking and looking out the window. By the time my Grandma came to look the woman was gone but the chair was still rocking. I think the all time absolute scariest moment was back in the day of disposable cameras, your first shot would be a “throw away shot” to make sure it was working. Someone had taken a picture looking into my Grans kitchen and on top of her fridge was a flower arrangement. When we developed the pictures there was a perfect mans face in the flowers. Not arranged so that when you squint it vaguely looked like a man, I mean a full on mans face, on top of the fridge, blocking the flowers. We were all so scared we destroyed the picture, I wish now we had kept it, it would have been a great conversation piece.


This wasn’t a paranormal experience I was in my late 20’s when this happened. I was out riding my bicycle when I noticed a cargo type van. I started to keep my eyes on it because it had passed me several times already. As I’m approaching the apartment complex I lived in at the time. I was on a sidewalk/bike path and had to cross an intersection before I got to my destination. This van pulls up an stopped dead 20 or so feet after the intersection as I cross it. I see this an stopped myself as I got to the other side. It’s not a delivery of any kind. No one is coming to get in. No one gets out either. It’s just sitting there idling. I don’t dare move I’m intently watching it. I’m not sure how long it was before the van peeled off and left. I switched my route I was on an came up behind my complex closer to where my building was. Keeping an eye out for the van. Got to my door and took my bike inside closed and locked the door ! I’m not sure what may or may not have happened but it suspicious AF !


Watch my brother walk into the road and fade away. Found out an hour later he had died earlier that day.


Used to live in a I’ll farm house when I was about 10. My bedroom was a make shift room from a living room. One night while sleeping I heard a voice whisper my name into my ear clear as day. Woke up to find nobody there and all the lights off.


I shit you not when I was like eight a my buddy doll came to life at a sleepover at a buddy’s and terrorized my ass all night by typing on a typewriter down the hall then walking down the hall towards me! Also a ouija board experience at an ex girlfriends house led to my laying in bed later that night and my radio which was on soft rock switching by itself to death metal and my glass closet doors opening and closing by itself! Needless to say I shredded and burnt the board in the morning and it stopped!


Haunted apartment. My girlfriend saw a full-bodied apparition in her room a few times, her roommates witnessed things flying off of shelves and across the room.

I never ‘saw’ anything, but I hear plenty of creepy things. I’d hear the front door open and close as if someone was coming in, I’d look down the hallway and no one would be there, my girlfriend’s room would get so cold the window would frost over, faucets would turn on in the middle of the night.

Once, I was watching tv, my girlfriend was asleep next to me on the couch. I could hear the sound of nails dragging across the wall coming down the hallway toward the living room. I was so frightened I shook her awake, and the second she opened her eyes the horrible scraping sound ceased.

We found out much later that a tenant had took their own life in that apartment back in the early 80s.


My mom used to babysit this kid, Colton, and he had his crib in my room for naps. Well, one day I was coming home from school and his nap usually ended by the time I got home. I opened up the door and he was sitting in the middle of my room on the floor, in front of my closet. It kinda looked like I had interrupted something and when I asked him what he was doing, he said he was “talking to the woman in ‘my’ closet.” My closet door was open a little bit and it freaked me out because my mom always said kids were more likely to see something otherworldly. For the next two weeks, anytime I opened up my closet, one of my stuffed animals on the top shelf would fall onto me. I now have to have closet doors shut at night when I go to sleep in fear that somebody is in the closet.


When I was little I woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t speak. I got out of bed but was too scared to go out of my room. I know now it was just sleep paralysis of my vocal chords, but man that freaked me out as a little kid. I thought something stole my voice.


I sit up in bed a lot to watch TV and one evening I was sitting there and my daughter in law was standing in the doorway of my room talking to me. The conversation was one that brought back sad memories for both of us. There was no fan on in my room or air conditioning although the windows were open but no breeze. A small dark cloud like thing came down from the ceiling and brushed against my arm. I felt it! It disappeared and I jumped out of bed to see if it had fallen on the floor. Nothing was there but both my daughter in law and I saw it. Neither of us know what it was except wonder if it was my belated husband trying to reach out to me – he died in this house.


Rolling over from sleeping on the couch and seeing full body figure of an outline of a man standing in between the livingroom/kitchen leaning and watching me.


When I was a teen I lived in California. I would often be sent to the store by my pregnant aunt. One night as I was walking home I was being followed by 2 Hispanic men so I ran. I started calling for my boyfriend who was smoking a blunt on his balcony with friends. They came running and chased after the 2 men. Years later I found out one of the men was Richard Ramirez!


Going to an abandon settlement and taking photos of the graveyard and 1 room school house… middle of summer… only to have the photos look like the dead of winter… seeing a little girl standing by my side… and then being chased by a phantom truck. All in the same night. Central New York location.


Shadow man walked through my old house duplex conversion, on two separate occasions. The dog witnessed the first with hair standing up and growling very low. The second visit was witnessed by an overnight guest.


I had a photo of me taken in the room my grandfather died in (our living room) and when the film was developed, you could see a hazy but unmistakable image of his face in the mirror behind me. He’d been gone for over 20 years.

About the author

Emily Madriga