Danielle Ortiz-Geis

Avid traveler, photographer, freelance writer, and hopeless romantic.
Articles by
Danielle Ortiz-Geis
8 Relationship Tips From My Grandparents Who Have Been Married For 65 Years
You need to work together.
Date Someone Who Never Fails To Show How Much They Appreciate You
It doesn’t have to come in the form of showering your partner with presents. In fact, it’s the opposite. Money isn’t appreciation, it’s a payoff for their affection. That’s not love.
This Is The Right Way To Be Lonely
Living a life by yourself, for yourself is pretty badass, isn’t it?
Remember That At The End Of It All, All You Have Is Your Self-Respect
At the end of the day, it is your choice to stay in a relationship where someone disrespects you.
Date Someone Who Is Afraid To Lose You
Letting someone get the chance to know you so deeply takes courage and strength, mainly because you know that by doing so, you’re giving someone else the ability to completely break your heart one day, should they decide to, but at the same time trusting them not to.