Colleen George
“there can be magic in the messes” @apeaceofwerk
When You Have To Say Goodbye To The Person You Love
You can’t put into words how painful it will be to lose them.
And This Is Why I’ll Get Over You
I forgive you.
It’s Okay To Care Too Much
We are afraid to care because caring means putting our hearts on the line. And the concept of letting others affect us deeply is terrifying.
And This Is When You Will Save Yourself
You don’t feel one hundred percent, but little by little, you do actually start to get a little bit better.
For When You Lose Someone Special
I guess whenever love is involved, we are never really ready to say goodbye.
Read This If You Are Healing From A Broken Heart
Sometimes you have to say goodbye to someone good and instead wait patiently for someone better.
Forgive Yourself For All The Times You Didn’t Choose Yourself
Forgive yourself for not knowing who you were, and for giving in to social pressure so that you could feel like you fit in.
10 Things To Remember During The Last 4 Months Of 2019
Make sure you have days when you don’t have to be so strong.