This Woman Texted Her Ex These Chilling Messages Hours Before He Found Her Dead

After leaving a cocktail bar with two unidentified men, Maxine Wiley sent her ex-boyfriend a slew of bizarre texts. Just hours later, he found her dead.

LinkedIn / Maxine Wiley

Between 9 a.m and 10 a.m., Wiley reportedly texted ex William Buddo asking him to look after her pet hedgehog for her. She also texted that she had “done a bad thing,” though she didn’t clarify.

Not much later, she sent her final message: “I don’t feel very well.”

Buddo was alarmed by the messages and went to Wiley’s flat to check up on her. When he knocked on the door, she didn’t respond, prompting him to force his way in by scaling up a ladder and breaking in through a broken window. Inside, he found Wiley dead. She had apparently hung herself.

According to the authorities, Wiley had traces of alcohol, cocaine and MDMA in her blood.

Though Wiley was last seen leaving with the two men, neither were identified or spoken to. Police found this detail irrelevant, believing there was no foul play involved, though they were hesitant to call it a suicide, as there was no letter of intent left behind.

“I am not going to give a conclusion of suicide but my narrative conclusion was Maxine Wiley died as a result of hanging,” Assistant coroner Dr Peter Harrow told The Bristol Post. “Her intention was unknown.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Callie Byrnes

Callie is a writer, editor, and publisher at Thought Catalog. Her debut book, ‘The Words We Left Behind,’ was released in January 2024.

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