Brianna Wiest
Brianna is the author of 101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think, The Mountain Is You, Ceremony, and When You’re Ready, This Is How You Heal.
Maybe The Biggest Problem With Your Life Is That You’re Not Asking For What You Really Want
You are the one consuming, choosing and returning to these things. Nobody is holding a gun to your head.
This Is How Each Zodiac Sign Behaves When They Have An Anxiety Disorder
So the sad and crazy thing about Pisces is that they are actually at their optimal functioning when they are experiencing some kind of light inner turmoil. It’s this discomfort that drives them into hyper-creation mode, and they end up achieving more than they ever could have imagined.
25 Uncomfortable Things You Need To Do If You Don’t Want To Regret Your 20s
One of the biggest regrets most people have about their 20s is that they didn’t enjoy them more. And I’m not talking about “buy more expensive dinners, take another trip to Thailand” type of enjoyment. I mean having the ability to take a deep breath and sip coffee in the morning knowing that you have done, and are doing, your best.
20 Signs You’re Exactly Where You’re Supposed To Be (You Just Don’t Realize It Yet)
You ask questions, want to explore and have new experiences. You cry, laugh, worry, and feel joy when the moment calls for it. You have regained a healthy range of feeling capacity.
The Zodiac Signs, Ranked In Order Of How Good They Are As Husbands
Your idea of Scorpios is probably that they are fiercely jealous and deeply emotional and have a dark sense of humor about it all. But that’s really what makes them such prime life partners.
20 Things Every Girl Who Blames Herself For Other People’s F*%kups Needs To Read Right Now
If you tried to see the good in yourself as much as you do everyone else, you’d change your life forever.
Your Forever Person Is The One Who Shows Up, It’s Really Not That Complicated
Love is not hard, loss is hard, and it only gets harder when you refuse to accept that someone who is willing to lose you isn’t the one who really loves you.
8 Ways You’re Making Getting The Hell Over Him Harder Than It Has To Be
You’re overestimating how many people are judging you.
How To Find Your Soulmate: You’re Making Finding Your Soulmate Harder Than It Has To Be
You’re thinking through the eyes of other people.
11 Reasons Why Independent Women Often Feel They Aren’t Wired For Love
They become brainwashed by people who advise that they will “lose themselves” in some capacity if they have a partner, or start building a family.
10 Things You Need To Change If You Want To Have A Radically Different Life 10 Years From Now
If you want to have a better life in 10 years, identify what’s keeping you gridlocked in the habits you think bring you pleasure and pride.
47 Questions To Ask Your Partner If You Want To Shatter Their Walls And Find Out Who They Really Are
Describe a day in your life 3 years ago. What was it like?
30 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Actually Have Self-Respect Now
Taking control of your narrative. Correcting people when they misspeak, or have incorrect assumptions about you and your life.
16 Things You Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You Have Displaced Anxiety
“Displaced anxiety” is a Freudian concept; it refers to what happens when people project or deflect their issues onto something irrelevant – something safer.
12 Reasons Why Self-Aware People Actually Have A Harder Time Finding Love
They assume they have to wait until they’re perfect.
13 Things You Need To Start Doing If You Want To Be Someone Who Has A Permanent Impact On The World
Demanding that life be better than how it is now is not only in your highest service, it’s in everyone’s.
14 Things People Don’t Realize You’re Doing Because You’re Quietly Chasing Your Dreams
The truth is that there is immense power in quietly pursuing your dreams, even though it may not seem as impressive on the surface.
This Is What Everyone Thinks About You, But Nobody Says, Based On Your Zodiac Sign
Cancer: You are basically an emotional child.