Brianna Wiest

How To (Actually) Change Your Life This Year

If you want to let go of something, build something new. If you don’t understand, ask. If you don’t like something, say so. If you want to change, start small. If you want something, ask for it. If you love someone, tell them. If you want to attract something, become it. If you enjoy something, let yourself feel it.

10 Ways You Are (Unknowingly) Sabotaging Your 20s

1. You don’t take your 20s seriously in an effort to ‘make the most’ of them. Despite the overwhelmingly popular notion that your 20s should be a throwaway period, statistically and biologically, they are the single most defining decade of your life.

How To Be Classic In 2014

Now we realize the people who most effortlessly “fit in” were only the ones who were most willing to sacrifice themselves. Now we realize that being “cool” wasn’t a desirable thing, not the way we defined it — but we saw no other choice.

50 People On The Most Liberating Thought They’ve Ever Had

“When you step into a library, all the knowledge in the world is before you. When you wake up each day, all the possibility in the world is too. You choose whether or not you just see books. You choose whether or not you just see another day.”