Arvin Faustino

Articles by
Arvin Faustino
To The Woman Who Has Forgotten Her True Worth
I know you’re tired. I can see it in your eyes.
Why You Should Never Regret Loving Someone Who Broke You
Despite the lies we might tell ourselves, the risk of trying in the name of love is worth every ounce of pain. Because in the end, life is worth living when we have loved and lost than to have never loved at all.
This Is The Kind Of Guy You Should Look For
Look for the guy whose jaws drop every time he sees you tying your hair in a mirror. A guy who thanks God every single day that he’s blessed to witness a living miracle unfold right before his very eyes.
To The Girl Who Deserves Better (From A Man, With Love)
Keep your head up, princess, you’re stronger than that. Let the tears flow, but don’t let your tiara fall. This isn’t the end of your fabled love story. In fact, it’s a new chapter.
If Someone Truly Wants To Be In Your Life, You Won’t Need To Question It
Don’t let your love go to waste.