Armando Quintana

People lover. Donut lover. Treat Life like a Big Experiment.
Articles by
Armando Quintana
How To Know If The Guy You’re Dating Is Truly Into You
When a man wants to be with you, he will make it happen… end of story.
This Is What Your ‘Love Tank’ Is, And Why Successful Couples Pay Attention To It
You have to be willing to always find what makes your girlfriend or boyfriend feel like the one of a kind person they are.
What It Really Means When A Guy Says You’re Too Good For Him
The question we want to answer is “Why do guys say that you’re too good for him and that he doesn’t deserve you?”
Ladies: If He Doesn’t Act Like He Cares, He’s Just Not That Into You
If a man wants you, he will do anything to have you.
This Is Why You’re Having A Hard Time Finding The Right Person To Date
We must fight against our urge to retreat when there is a possibility of getting hurt, because how else are we going to grow?