14 Types Of Friends Who Annoy Us The Most
9. The “I’ll pay you back next week” friend.
If You Were Waiting For A Sign, This Is It
Good things come to those who venture out into the world, and make good things happen for themselves.
I Am The Guy Who Doesn’t Text Back
The usual scenario is this (and, again, it’s only happened a few times): I go on a date with a woman, I don’t really enjoy it that much, and I don’t want to see her again. She texts me — once, then twice, then three or four times — and I don’t respond. I delete her number from my phone. I move on.
I’m Not Racist, I’m Just Not Attracted To Black Men
I’m a fit, masculine, relatively good-looking white top, 5 foot 10 inches, blue eyes, short hair.
9 Things My Next Boyfriend Should Know
We both don’t want to stay in a relationship banked on some fictitious act. I don’t want to fall in love with the actor of you. I want the real you.
I Feed My Boyfriend Unhealthy Food, Because If He Loses Weight, He’ll Leave Me
I’m sure you’re thinking, “Why didn’t you just lose the weight with him?” And for a while, that’s exactly what I did.
This Is What It’s Like To Be In Love With Your Brother
When I was a little girl, I used to look up at him and feel how lucky I was to have someone like that in my family. He taught me how to ride a bike, how to play baseball, how to hide my wine bottles from mom and dad (many years later, of course).
How To Kiss A Boy
Kiss because you’re young, because you want to, because you can, because you love him, because you don’t.
16 Things Girls Learn When They Are Roommates With Guys
Even boys know the words to “Man! I Feel Like A Woman.”
16 Things To Remember After Getting Dumped Out Of The Blue
5. Shut up about it after a couple weeks.
28 Things I Learned While Working For Lululemon Athletica
If you are a size 6, then you’ll be given free clothes to wear, termed “promotions”.
My Parents Don’t Love Me
Dad took me by the arm and shoved me onto the floor. He started kicking me. He kicked, and kicked, and kicked. Each time I would try to get up he would push me back onto the ground. He kept repeating, “You know I can kick you, you’re not so old that you can’t be disciplined. I can kick you, I can kick you”.
Confessions Of A 24-Year-Old Married Man
I would like to dispel some of the myths about marriage I have confronted over time.
I Was Sexually Abused By My Younger Brother And I Still Don’t Know What To Do About It
My brother was the baby in the family, and I couldn’t imagine my mom turning her back on him to protect me. How would that even work? Grown-ups who molested kids went to jail, but could he? Did I even want my brother to go to jail?
5 Things You Learn When A Relationship Ends Before It Really Starts
1. Projecting a “better” version of yourself is difficult.
I Lost My Virginity At 25 To A Stranger I Met On Craigslist
Frankly, I wanted to see what the big deal was about sex. I didn’t want to go into my 27th year with the stigma of being a sexually inexperienced woman.
How To Make A Guy Who “Doesn’t Do Relationships” Commit To You In 12 Simple Steps
Don’t settle for less than you deserve, there are too many men out there just to settle for one who doesn’t compare.
8 Reasons Why Longboarding Is Basically Social Suicide
So you’ve decided to do what everyone else is doing and buy a longboard to cruise around town. But why are you not getting respect from real skaters, or what you call, “fellow boarders” you wonder?