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What No One Ever Tells You About Addiction

Addiction is a brain disease that, through a series of biochemical mechanisms resulting from repeated behaviors, creates an overwhelming, animalistic urge as pressing and intense as the bursting bladder.

It’s Never Too Late To Heal

Living your life by invalidating yourself to please others creates a deeper hole that you will have to fill in once you bravely start healing from your past.

20 Sad Long Lyrics For Your Broken Heart

“And the tears come streaming down your face when you lose something you can’t replace. When you love someone but it goes to waste, could it be worse?” — Fix you, Coldplay

When You Fall For The Guy Who Still Loves His Ex

You’ll eventually pick up on the unusual tone of how he speaks of her. Maybe he brings her up too frequently in conversations. Or maybe it’s the opposite– each time you ask a casual question about her, he wears a pained expression.