Let This Be The Year You Finally Stop Letting Fear Get In Your Way

Let This Be The Year You Finally Stop Letting Fear Get In Your Way

With each new year comes the opportunity to shed your past and start anew. Although it’s just a technicality, it’s easier to conceptualize change with the marking of a new year. The start of a new year can symbolize a new start for you, and for many, that’s just what we desire; the chance to transform, the chance to conquer, the chance to be fearless. So, with the start of 2019, let this be the year that you finally stop letting fear get in your way.

Look at your life and decide what part you’d like to courageously start 2019 with.

If it’s love: make an effort to put yourself out there more. Embrace what’s unfamiliar and be open to new relationships. Go on the awful blind dates. Go up to someone that’s on their phone and start a real- life conversation. Let love into your life and whichever way it comes through.

If it’s family: let the past stay in the past. Let go of any resentment and decide that your relationship with your family will reflect what happens now and going forward. If you want a better relationship, make an effort; a little goes a long way.

If it’s work: ask for that promotion. Submit that resume. Move to that new state. Move to that different country. Take that art lesson. Write that poem. Try out for that play. If your intuition is questioning what if, you owe it to yourself to find out. If you’re unhappy about where you’re at professionally, it’s up to you to make a change.

If it’s health: join that kickboxing class. Take that free week of yoga. Start walking around the mall or hospital once a day. Make an effort to have at least one undeniably healthy meal a day. Take a nutrition class. Cut out that habit you know is hurting your body. Whatever it is, step outside your comfort zone, no matter the experience or inexperience you have. We have an abundance of knowledge on how to better take care of our bodies today so don’t let that information go to waste. Take care of your body and take care of your mind. You only get one of each.

So whatever area of your life needs a kick in the ass, go ahead and do it. 2019 is your time to make it happen. Today you are alive and today you have power. Use it wisely. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Alyssa Lynn Malmquist

Order my book “Put The Damn Phone Down” available now on Amazon.